Monday, January 23, 2012

nananananananana Batman!

And that was my failed attempt of singing the Batman theme in a forum. Lol, anyway...

You may call me Fheebi but if you'd rather call me by any other name you have the freedom to do so. I'm the geeky sporty artsy type or, as some people like to put it the black belt writer ballerina who was obsessed with Dead Space >< Doesn't really say much about me though hehehe.

I used to RP but that was ages ago. As in my last decent RP in a forum was around eight years ago I think. But I've been RPing via chat with a friend and I recently tried to go back to RP in another forum. But my friend recommended this place and it looks like an awesome place to hang so I'll be staying here hehehe. I enjoy various genres. I don't really have any preferences. That applies to everything(the games I play, the things I write, the books I read, the movies I watch and imagine). But since I haven't been doing this for quite a long time now, do bear with me for a while :P

Well well, I can't think of anymore to say without revealing how absolutely mad I am. Nice to meet you and looking forward to RP with you all :)


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