Friday, August 31, 2012

The 2012 Business Presentation Survey ? Ready For Your Input ...

It?s with great delight that we announce the official launch of the 2012 Business Presentation Survey.? We?re delighted for a few reasons?

It would seem to be the only survey that asks real business presentation users about the things that really matter to them:

  • What tools are they using day in, day out to deliver their presentations?
  • What frustrates them?
  • What are their guilty secrets around the use of tools such as PowerPoint and Keynote?
  • How has new technology impacted the way they deliver presentations?
  • Where do they see the future of presentations?

We last conducted this survey way back in 2010 and some of the results were quite startling.? For example, we found out that 72% of businesses rarely review their presentations.? The cynical amongst you will have noted that this is just the sort of statistic that we, as presentation specialists, would (and do) love to bandy about.

But there?s another way to look at this, what would happen if 72% of people never looked in the mirror before leaving for work? How many business conversations would be lost in a cloud of ?I wonder if he knows that he has a rip in his trousers? Would it be rude to tell him? Where on Earth do you buy underwear that colour??

Not reviewing your presentations can have exactly the same effect or worse ?Has this company not done a single thing of note since 2009? Have they bought the wrong presentation? Wow, there are a lot of perms in that office background image!?

So, dear business presenter, we ask you to click here to complete this important survey.? We promise will only take five minutes of your time (and we?re offering some prizes to make it worth your while!).

Thanks in advance for your help?

Tags: Business Presentation Survey, Eyeful Presentations, PowerPoint, Presentation Design, Presentation Technology, Presentation Tools, Presentations


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Complete Guidelines to Health and Fitness: Ganoderma - All About ...

Ganoderma, this mushroom is one of the most important traditional Chinese medicines for stabilizing a number of body functions which are keeping a person in good health. Many of its functions are attributed to prevention of diseases, specifically virus infections.

Described functions are:

  • adjusts the immune system to prevent viral diseases and to prevent and fight tumor
  • protects and detoxifies the liver
  • prevents and cures heart diseases
  • slows the aging process
  • has a positive effect on insomnia
  • is a cure for high blood pressure
  • to treat diabetes
  • is a treatment for chronic bronchitis and asthma
  • has effect on hyper susceptibility
  • is used as a beauty care medicine for the skin

Healthy Coffee with Ganoderma

Boost your immune system,healthy weight loss with the secret herb, called the King of Herbs, Ganoderma Lucidum. Infused into the finest Gourmet Coffee in the world! Business minded people position yourself in front of this massive trend now!

How Ganoderma Works on the Body?

Most ailments and chronic illnesses are caused by pH imbalance due to toxin build up. Ganoderma Lucidum removes or neutralizes toxins so the body can rebuild its natural immune system. You will feel beneficial effects on day one, depending on your pH imbalance. If you take Ganoderma daily, you'll feel distinctively rejuvenated and healthy. Stop taking it, and you will suffer a reversal of its benefits.

The Ganoderma Rejuvenation Process

* Seek & Treat (1-30 days)

Ganoderma finds and attacks areas of weakness or illness. During this phase, some apparent health symptoms may surface. Called "ailment reflection," this is quite natural and is not a side effect. Ganoderma is zeroing in on an ailment, which it immediately starts to heal/rebalance.

Cleanse & Restore (1-6 months)

Ganoderma neutralizes or removes acids, excess cholesterol, fat, dead tissue, and toxins. Day-by-day you'll feel healthier and more energized as you accumulate Ganoderma. Your body is being restored to a healthy balance.

Recover & Rejuvenate (6-24 months)

Ganoderma continues to strengthen the immune system with elements and vitamins. You'll feel healthy and vigorous as Ganoderma sustains optimal body functions.

Health Benefits - Ganoderma May Help Reduce Cholesterol

Cardiovascular disease has been called an epidemic of sorts in North America and Europe. Not surprising when you consider a typical North American lifestyle of not enough physical activity, diet high in saturated fats, and fast paced living driving up stress levels.

Even though the National Center for Health Statistics reported Americans average total cholesterol has dropped substantially from 1978 - 1990, the American Heart Association has reported 98.1 million adult Americans still have borderline high blood cholesterol levels and this puts them at greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease.

Elevated cholesterol levels are one of the major risk factors identified by the American Heart Association in the development of Cardiovascular disease which is the number one killer in North America and Europe. We need to reduce cholesterol levels.

Adenosine which is found in Ganoderma lucidum helped to reduce cholesterol

This number one rated herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine has many potent healing properties. One being that it may help reduce cholesterol and or may help the liver in suppressing its production.

Researchers from the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that Adenosine which is found in Ganoderma lucidium helped to reduce cholesterol in their studies.

Researchers at the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland called Ganoderma lucidium "a renowed medicinal species". In their study on hamsters and minipigs, oxgenated lanosterol derived from Ganoderma lucidium "inhibited cholesterol synthesis".

With hamsters it was able to reduce cholesterol (total) by 9.8% and HDL levels by 11.2%.

In minipigs the oxygenated lanosterol derived from the mushroom Ganoderma lucidium was able to reduce cholesterol (total) by 20%, LDL by 27%, and HDL by 18%.

The researchers conclusion was that Ganoderma "has the potential to reduce LDL cholesterol in vivo (inside the body) through various mechanisms... innovative new cholesterol lowering foods and medicines containing Gl (Ganoderma lucidium) are envisioned."

*Please do your own research and when you feel it is necessary to consult a specialist then please do so.

Ganoderma Lucidum can be an effective cancer herbs to assist conventional treatment

Modern treatment usually attempt to destroy cancer cells through radio therapy or chemo therapy. However while destroying cancer cells, such treatment also destroys many essential cells beneficial to human body such as

  • Macrophage
  • T-lymphocyte
  • Blood producing cells
  • White Blood Cells and others
Furthermore, chemo therapy leads to lowering of immunity and weakening of body. So, once treatment is discontinued, the remaining cancer cells might multiply back quickly when the body is weak. This may be fatal.

The integral effects from the consumption of Ganoderma cancer herbs together with modern therapy provide promising results. Beside its own anti cancer properties, this herb can also destroy cancer cell together with conventional therapy.

At the same time, it also fights against the unwanted effects of radiation, reducing damage by radio therapy and chemo therapy to essential cells like Macrophage, T-lymphocyte, blood producing cells, White Blood Cells and others.

Ganoderma Lucidum increases the tolerance level to radio therapy and chemo therapy, improves appetite and strengthens immunity. Some terminally ill cancer patient are so weak that they are not able to withstand these therapies.

After the consumption of Ganoderma cancer herbs, their condition improved and they can complete the course of radio therapy and chemo therapy. Many patients with tumors have also significantly improved after taking Ganoderma Lucidum.

Indeed, Ganoderma cancer herbs play an important role in supporting conventional medication for alternative cancer cure. Its effectiveness in controlling cancer is around 40% to 50%. The main components that give Ganoderma Lucidum its strong anti cancer properties are Organic Germanium and Polysaccharides (especially beta glucan).

Another important natural supplement for alternative cancer cure is Bee Propolis. Researchers found that this natural antibiotic can cut down the DNA of cancer cell, preventing it from multiplying. Other beneficial supplements for cancer include Cordyceps Sinensis herbs and Green Tea extract.

Besides taking natural herbs and supplements for cancer, it's very important to continue with conventional chemo therapy and radio therapy.

Ganoderma and its meaning

ABOUT GANODERMA lucidum, Commonly titled "Reishi" or "Lingzhi" Under the engrossed investigate ended by both Asiatic and added scholars in recent years, and with the synergetic analysis and clinical experiments ended by hospitals, colleges and pharmaceutical manufacturers, its comprehensive efficacy has finally been discovered.

It is a hemocatheresis, detoxicant, diuretic, liver protector, intestine regulator, cardiotonic, murder push adjuster, a algid tonic, antitussive and expectorant, and anti- ontogeny drug. Ganoderma is a traditional drug utilised to nourish, tonify, and attach the whole embody as it removes toxins and disperses accumulation. It calms and nourishes the troubled system, strengthens the lungs (good for asthma sufferers), protects and stimulates the liver, also helps the embody alter to stress. It has modify been famous to support whatever grouping with fastening baldness, starting material feedback and regaining material colour.

Ganoderma is flush in astir organic compounds, which are still existence unnatural for their constructive personalty on the insusceptible system, and is in a class of insusceptible grouping regulators and pronounce adaptogens that includes Astragalus, Schizandra, Codonopsis and Ginseng.

Ganoderma grows in China's coastal provinces and also in Japan's plum tree groves and North dweller oak forests, especially on the roots, trunks and rotting tree stumps. In Nihon Ganoderma is famous as the \"Phantom mushroom\" because it is unbelievably rare to encounter it ontogeny in the wild. On average, exclusive 10 disorderly mushrooms module be institute per 100,000 Asian plum trees.

The flushed Ganoderma was rattling rare and pricey to obtain until recently. These days, cod to its international popularity Ganoderma is cultivated indoors on organic palm or plum tree sawdust in an elaborate impact that in whatever cases crapper verify up to digit yeas.

Ganoderma contains a veritable pharmacy of substances including polysaccharides, glycosides, sterols, polypeptides, amino acids, ascorbic acid, lipids, alkaloids, a glucose, a coumarin glycoside, vaporific oil, riboflavin, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Beta-D-Glucan is a identify of Polysaccharide believed to be answerable for whatever of the insusceptible regulating personalty of Ganoderma, including exciting the insusceptible grouping by enhancing production of anti-bodies, T-Cells and magcrophages.

Scientific evidence shows that Ganoderma counteracts alteration caused to the insusceptible grouping by irradiation therapy, including anti-tumour activity. It protects bone marrow cells against liberated radicals generated by X-Rays, prevents atrophy (shrinkage) of the thymus gland and counteracts albescent murder radiophone suppression caused by gamma rays during irradiation therapy.

This oriental super-remedy helps restore insusceptible function after viral, bacterial and fungal infections, as substantially as during chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunodeficiency disorders, habitual bronchitis and habitual hepatitis (especially Hepatitis B & C). It provides powerful anti-allergic land against every types of allergic reaction, promotes radiophone feedback and helps with feat from stress, improves metabolism, strengthens heart, mentality and lung function, increases murder oxygen, slows premature ageing and enhances vitality, creating a opinion of wellbeing.

Ganoderma crapper be condemned long constituent without fear of developing a tolerance to its effects. In fact, during protracted illness, Ganoderma is a superb complementary penalization utilised with conventional therapy providing primary hold to the embody and facilitating meliorate outcomes. It crapper be utilised in the communication of recurrent colds and flu, asthma, elevation sickness, broad murder pressure, habitual tedium syndrome, retrovirus /AIDS, habitual bronchitis, habitual hepatitis, rejuvenates cells and is famous to alter cancer.

The Asian Government officially lists Ganoderma as a center for treating cancer - The Asian Medical earth has confirmed that Ganoderma has constructive efficacy.

Ganoderma Detox Guide

Every embody is unique. Some haw hit been more exposed to toxins than others in everyday chronicle situations (chemicals in food, water, pesticides, petroleum products etc) and embellish ill as a result. The embody crapper decimate these toxins, but ofttimes needs help.

The initial intake of Ganoderma cloud module elicit detoxification. The astir ingredients in the cloud module activate and energise the cells to care with the aliens in its premises. The impact helps alter whatever of the illnesses and diseases attendant to the presence of toxins in the body. As a result, the symptoms of illness module prototypal reappear then finally go away. When uncolored sanative is evoked by the herbs, the embody proceeds to ameliorate from the MOST VITAL ORGAN to the LEAST VITAL ORGAN, from the INSIDE to the OUTSIDE, from the HEAD to the EXTREMITIES, and from the MOSTRECENT symptom, engaged ended to the OLDEST. This is inevitable. Some grouping wish to refrain this conception of sanative as it haw verify time, however, this is how nature works.

Taking the Ganoderma cloud encourages cellular detoxification, by the cells existence reactive and energised to care with the accumulating toxins either in the radiophone nucleus or membrane. The cells are evoked to expel the toxins and as the cells do this, sometimes, the impact produces an attendance of the symptoms attendant to the persons prevailing problem. Although this does not ever happen, grouping with a heavy load of toxin haw exhibit the LATEST SYMPTOM of their prevailing difficulty as the prototypal sign of detoxification.

As the toxins exit the body, they verify digit of the three exit routes: The SKIN, the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, or the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. When exiting ended the skin, dermatitis haw appear. When feat discover ended the respiratory mucosa, cough or colds are usually common, and when they go discover ended the gastro-intestinal mucosa, symptom or constipation sometimes appears.

These newborn symptoms haw alarm the uninformed and haw intend them to hold that the cloud select is intense for them. This is, however, a uncolored conception of sanative and is a POSITIVE SIGN that a transformation activity as conception of sanative is occurring.

It is also simple common significance to ensure that we do not hamper the sanative impact by slummy diet. For instance, not drinking at least 4 litres of FRESH CLEAN WATER every punctuation assists the onset of whatever sickness. (Chlorine in touch liquid is a toxin and crapper alteration your health).

The right kinds of matter are primary in healing, providing the aliment the embody needs for tissue repair and equilibrise of systems. Raw vegetables and production cater the embody with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibres that we need to sustain life. Lack of the right foods and likewise much of the criminal foods (salt, sugar, preservatives, colours, flavour enhancers and nitrates) are the maker of whatever of our maladies. Malnutrition and over nutrition termination in diseases that smite us today.

Our embody is the prizewinning doctor. Everybody has the knowledge to aid diseases with their uncolored insusceptible system. Ganoderma entireness on the embody direct via the insusceptible system, thusly making it doable to support the embody to impact a panoramic arrange of diseases.

When attractive Ganoderma for the prototypal time, we haw undergo a activity within 3-10 days, and whatever crapper hit a activity 2-3 months later. The activity haw not be limited to digit undergo only. Nine discover of decade grouping module intend whatever variety of reaction. A light activity haw terminal up to 2-5 days, a nonindulgent digit 7-30 days. Healing the embody is your prototypal step to a individual life.

A detoxification of the embody is highly advisable for prototypal instance users:

1 unify of capsules per punctuation for the 1st week, 2 pairs per punctuation during the 2nd week, 4 pairs per punctuation for the 3rd. week, and 6 pairs per punctuation on your 4th week. Normal fix is 1 unify per punctuation or more. For nonindulgent upbeat problems rattling super doses module not harm you, rather, it module greatly support the insusceptible grouping repair the problem. It haw be condemned safely with whatever added medication, but users of blood-thinning agents should consult their student prototypal as it tends to normalise murder consistency.

The individual you stay on ganoderma, the meliorate the sanative results module be. If the detox activity is likewise much to handle at whatever time, meet cut backwards the dose, BUT DON'T STOP the sanative process, as the embody is in the region of cleaning itself out. Remember, Ganoderma is helping your embody to promulgation its build up of toxins and this haw provide you short-term headaches, coughs, pains in joints and added unusual reactions. HAPPY HEALING!.

Disclaimer: This document is intended as a guide regarding generalized upbeat only. If you are seeking advice most specific upbeat problems, you should consult a qualified upbeat professional.


Unlike whatever commercial toothpastes, this digit does NOT include the whitener/abrasive Aluminium Dioxide, the newly reclassified poison Fluoride, the highly addictive poisonous flavourer Aspartame, Phenylalanine (which becomes Formaldehyde in the body) the foaming agent Sodium Laureth Sulphate, the bomb agent in cigarettes, Potassium Nitrate, or added bruising ingredients.

It contains Ganoderma, matter gel and flavour as a reaper and menthol

Inside the mouth: It haw be utilised for simply cleaning the teeth, manducate strengthening around loose teeth, whitening, decay prevention, plaque removal and prevention, mouth ulcer discompose relief, removal and prevention, and finally by gargling and swallowing, for tonsillitis, sore throat, upset stomach and diarrhoea.

Outside the mouth: It haw be utilised as a aid on tinea, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema, or as a discompose comfort aid on joints, muscles, throat, etc. Apply blistering liquid to the Atlantic and administer a small amount of paste. It haw also be utilised direct from the tube as a adhesive on acne, boils, warts, moles, sun spots, harm cancers or whatever added deviant radiophone condition. For harm cancers, typically the deviant cells haw redden, then itch, then anomaly soured to be replaced with sound flourishing skin, or a core (root system) haw emerge from the area.

Treatment is twice lawful or as required for result. It haw also be utilised on insect bites, chafes, burns, cuts and scratches. The menthol haw sting busted or sensitive harm momentarily. It haw also display a temporary reddening gist in whatever areas for whatever people.


The instant black have is Arabica coffee, and contains Ganoderma. Arabica have grows exclusive in areas over 1000 feet above sea level. Not existence subject to move at this altitude, the bushes do not display much conserving caffeine, unlike the common commercial coffees (4%-5%). It does not thence need decaffeinating, and is instruction baritone in caffeine (about .06%). It is also a smooth flavoursome coffee, and does not visit staged flavouring or additives. The have is in boxes of 20 sachets, apiece of which contains the equal of 4 RG capsules, nonnegative coffee, and makes up to 4 cups per sachet. The have haw be utilised by grouping with depression, and as an helper effectuation of attractive Ganoderma.


Spica Tea is a Asiatic herbal tea, which is specially formulated with Ganoderma, Radix Glycyrrhzae and added uncolored herbs. It is mild and does not include caffeine, staged foodstuff or preservatives. It is fit for grouping of every ages and haw be utilised particularly for the respiratory and digestive systems, blistering flushes and menopausal symptoms. Place 1 teabag in 7 cups of boiling liquid for most 4 minutes, then permit stand for 3 minutes, then save the repast bag. Repeat the impact when desired, up to twice more. Each activity module make up to 4 litres (21 cups) of repast according to taste. It module detoxify, and should be condemned sparingly.


The soap haw be utilised as a vegetation for every harm conditions, and as a warning mask. Apply to the skin, yield for 20 minutes, clean off. It haw also be utilised normally as a cleanser. It haw be utilised instead of shampoo, and for scalp conditions including cradle cap, dandruff, etc. Ganozhi Soap contains Ganoderma select and palm oil, to clean absent dirt and gently cleanse the harm patch preserving its uncolored oils. It is fit for grouping of every ages and for lawful use.


Ganozhi Shampoo contains Ganoderma select and Vitamin B5 that revitalise the uncolored warning of your material and makes it instruction fleecy and healthy. It is mild and gentle, fit for every material types, and for every scalp conditions. It does not visit a conditioner since it does not field the nutrients from the hair. Users haw encounter transformation of material colouration over time, modify material thickening. The shampoo haw also be utilised as a aid on bald heads, by massaging it into the scalp. Users haw encounter material regrowth. In every cases, apply, yield for 20 minutes, shower off.


It haw be utilised as a embody wash, or as a aid for every harm conditions. It haw also be utilised to relieve itching from Chickenpox, or added conditions including insect bites and rashes. Apply, yield for several minutes, clean off.

Ganozhi Body Foam contains Ganoderma select and Vitamin E that gently cleanse your harm patch maintaining harm moisture. It contains no staged foodstuff and is fit for every harm types.


Spirulina is alkaline in nature, and flush in antioxidants, chlorophyll and protein. It is a wonderful consort to Ganoderma, putting alkalines into the body, patch Ganoderma triggers the exiting of excess acids. This speeds up the balancing of the embody - a prerequisite to uncolored healing. It is also the maker of primary elements and vitamins, which haw be absent from vegetarian diets. Its importance cannot be overstated. 100% pure, natural, flush in nutrients Beta Carotene, Vitamin B Complex (including B12), Calcium, Iron and Magnesium. Dosage is 4-6 tablets lawful condemned with water.


Morinzhi is a specially formulated concentrate of soured biology noni juice. It is flush in enzymes, primary for the fix of a flourishing digestive system. The enzyme produced by the noni production is flush in Proxeronine and the Proxeronase. This have crapper be embattled by adding 2 tablespoons of Morinzyme noni concentrate into 1 glass of water. It is prizewinning condemned before meals or on an empty stomach 1-3 times per day.


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CONVENTION WATCH: Romney's big night approaches

Convention Watch shows you the 2012 political conventions through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.



As the Republican National Convention wears on, protesters are getting worn out.

The busloads of protesters ? who are staying at a makeshift camp dubbed "Romneyville" ? have seen their food and water supplies dwindle. Law enforcement has noticed, as well.

So on Thursday morning, police brought boxed lunches of sandwiches, fruits and ice-cold water to Romneyville. Chief Jane Castor said police had extra food, so they decided to donate it rather than throw it out.

Castor, during a morning news conference, said simply: "We're here to serve the public."

? Tamara Lush ? Twitter



Sure, political conventions aim to fire up the die-hard partisans in the arena, but they're also made-for-TV events designed to appeal to undecided voters. Recent polling suggests they may not be hitting their mark.

A Pew Research Center survey before the Republican convention began found just over four in 10 adults were interested in following each party's convention.

Partisans were most interested in their own gathering ? 70 percent of Republicans were interested in this week's events and 66 percent of Democrats were interested in their party's upcoming convention. Fewer partisans check in on the other team: 41 percent of Democrats were interested in the goings-on in Tampa, Fla., while 28 percent of Republicans were interested in tuning in for Obama's re-nomination.

Among independents, just 37 percent said they were interested in the Republican convention, 36 percent in the Democratic one.

For Republicans angling for young, disaffected Obama voters, the convention may not be their best chance. Overnight ratings for the GOP convention suggested less than 10 percent of viewers were under age 35. The Pew poll found less than 30 percent of twenty-somethings were interested in the political conventions.

? Jennifer Agiesta ? Twitter



In his big speech, Mitt Romney will make a direct appeal to voters who felt excited to cast a ballot for Barack Obama four years ago.

"If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn't you feel that way now that he's President Obama?" Romney says in excerpts released before his Thursday night speech. "You know there's something wrong with the kind of job he's done as president when the best feeling you had, was the day you voted for him."

You've been let down, Romney's telling former Obama voters, by a presidency that lapsed into disappointment and division.

"Many Americans have given up on this president, but they haven't ever thought about giving up," Romney says. "Not on themselves. Not on each other. And not on America."

Riffing on Obama's 2008 catchphrase, "Yes we can," Romney plans to tell Americans, "Now is the moment when we CAN do something."

What can Americans do, according to Romney? Vote for him.

? Connie Cass ?Twitter



There may be large swaths of a Republican stronghold otherwise occupied during Mitt Romney's big speech Thursday night. College football debuts at the same time, and that can trump anything else on TV, especially in the pigskin-crazy South.

The marquee matchup happens down in Tennessee, with Steve Spurrier's No. 9 South Carolina Gamecocks taking on the Vanderbilt Commodores in Nashville at 7 p.m. EDT. But the GOP probably isn't worried about losing interest or votes in either South Carolina or Tennessee, both of which are normally reliable Republican states in presidential contests.

? Jesse J. Holland ? Twitter



The Democratic Party chairwoman, who also happens to be a Floridian, is slamming Republicans' decision to continue with their Tampa convention as the Gulf Coast was battered by a hurricane.

She says it's an example of the GOP's "continued focus on winning at all costs."

"I will note that the parties, the special interest fund bashes that were not canceled, went on in spite of the fact that our state was getting hit and Tampa was in the path of the storm," Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said at a press conference Thursday, when asked if Republicans had acted wisely by canceling the first day of their convention.

"I give them credit for canceling the first day," she said. "The way they handled it going forward as the rest of the region was getting battered - probably a challenging situation for them. There are other ways they could have handled it other than the way they chose. They could have taken things down a notch."

? Beth Fouhy ? Twitter



After watching the boss try out the podium and the teleprompters, senior aide Eric Fehrnstrom was in no mood to lower expectations. He predicted a great performance from Mitt Romney as he formally accepts the presidential nomination Thursday night.

"These speeches are just as much about the moment as they are about the words," Fehrnstrom said. "One thing we know about Mitt Romney is that he always rises to the occasion.

"This is the biggest speech of his political career. And I have no doubt that he will deliver the best speech of his political career."

? Steve Peoples ? Twitter



Mitt Romney got a standing ovation in the convention hall ? six hours before he was set to take the stage for his speech.

Romney and running mate Paul Ryan stopped in for an afternoon walk-through at the Forum in Tampa, Fla., where Romney formally accepts the presidential nomination Thursday night.

Delegates milling around the mostly empty hall stood and applauded for Romney and Ryan, both dressed in suit and tie.

The two paused for photographs near the podium with campaign staff, including senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom and policy director Lanhee Chan.

After that, Romney stood at the podium while aides adjusted the height of his teleprompter.

Minutes later, they were gone.

? Josh Lederman ? Twitter



Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer has proclaimed her support for the election of ... Barack Obama?

Clearly just a verbal slip, says her spokesman. The governor's skirmishes with the Obama administration over the issue of illegal immigration are well-known. At one point she was captured on camera pointing an angry finger at the president as they talked on an airport tarmac.

Brewer's surprising comment came in an MSNBC interview Wednesday at the GOP convention in Tampa, Fla., as she renewed her call for improved security on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Brewer said she was hopeful Obama would be elected in November so he could help come up with a solution. She didn't correct herself, nor was she prompted to.

Brewer spokesman Matthew Benson said Thursday that the governor isn't the first person to misspeak amid the chaos of a crowded room.

For the record: Brewer continues to endorse Republican Mitt Romney for president.

? Felicia Fonseca ? Twitter



At a thank-you luncheon Wednesday for campaign supporters, Ann Romney enthused that the convention has given her a chance to "see so many people you've known" over time.

"It's like going to your own funeral," she joked.

Maybe not the best metaphor.

? Nancy Benac ? Twitter



On his big speech day, Mitt Romney spent the morning visiting with family ? family in the triple digits.

"About 120 of our family gathered," Romney told campaign donors gathered in a banquet hall in St. Petersburg. "And it's amazing how the families come together in times like this. We got our pictures taken with some members we hadn't seen in a long time. It was heartwarming."

? Nancy Benac ? Twitter



No matter what GOP nominee Mitt Romney says Thursday night, it'll join the reel of history.

In that spirit, the public affairs-focused cable channel C-SPAN warmed up its audience Thursday with a trip down convention memory lane.

C-SPAN aired convention addresses of Republican nominees past, starting with Barry Goldwater's "renew freedom's vision" speech at San Francisco's Cow Palace Arena in 1964. Throughout the afternoon, viewers could see archived remarks of Richard Nixon in 1968, Ronald Reagan in 1984, George H.W. Bush in 1998 and George W. Bush in 2000.

? Brian Bakst ? Twitter



Mitt Romney's convention planners transformed part of the Forum overnight, getting ready for the big finale ? the presidential nominee's speech to the nation.

They extended the stage about 12 feet out into the crowd and surrounded the bottom of the steps with a see-through barrier. They're still drilling and working on it, and the podium is gone at the moment. A bunch of people are testing the stability of the new stage now. Currently, the center seats are gone, but there's still a space where they haven't put down new carpeting and it looks like the seats will go there.

? Julie Mazziotta ? Twitter



Former President George W. Bush may be a ghostly presence at the Republican National Convention, but his brother expects him to get top billing, of sorts, next week.

"He'll be more at the Charlotte convention," joked former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on "CBS This Morning." He was referring to the Democratic National Convention that begins Tuesday and is likely to feature lots of George Bush-bashing.

Jeb Bush acknowledges that his brother has been a target because voters blame him for the nation's economic problems. The former president has held no place of honor at the GOP convention other than a video tribute.

That doesn't mean he isn't tuning in to the convention.

"I think he's watching it, and I know he's interested in it," Jeb Bush said. "He's curious about this country. But his attitude is, 'Look, I had a chance, I served, I did my best. It's Mitt Romney's night. It's his turn.'"

? Hope Yen



David Letterman wants to help people get to know Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus.

He couldn't resist milking some jokes out of that intriguing name.

So Letterman put together a gauzy little biographical segment about Priebus for Wednesday night's "Late Show."

All you need to know:

"Reince Priebus is the chairman of the Republican National Committee. He's a lawyer and a former chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party. He has four brothers: Roink, Rurch, Remp and Rift. Now you know Reince Priebus."

? Nancy Benac ? Twitter



President Barack Obama has some nice things to say about Mitt Romney. Really.

He got asked by Time magazine whether there were things "that you actually do admire" about the GOP nominee.

And the Time interviewer specifically asked for something other than the usual dodges about Romney having a nice family and working on health care in Massachusetts.

Here's what Obama came up with:

"He strikes me as somebody who is very disciplined. And I think that that is a quality that obviously contributed to his success as a private equity guy. I think he takes his faith very seriously. And as somebody who takes my Christian faith seriously, I appreciate that he seems to walk the walk and not just be talking the talk when it comes to his participation in his church."

? Nancy Benac ? Twitter



The voters Mitt Romney most needs to connect with during Thursday's acceptance speech aren't in the Republican National Convention hall. They're swing voters in their living rooms in places like Iowa, Nevada and Virginia.

Romney, now the official GOP nominee, takes the stage in the 10 o'clock hour in Tampa, Fla.

Of the states deemed most competitive for the fall, four are in the Eastern time zone: Florida, New Hampshire, Ohio and Virginia. Two are an hour behind in the Central time zone: Iowa and Wisconsin.

Romney's speech will be delivered in the 8 p.m. hour in Colorado and the 7 p.m. hour in Nevada.

? Brian Bakst ? Twitter


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Motherhood And The Left's Dirty Little Secret? Not Every Woman ...

I have come to the conclusion that the 1960s pretty much destroyed any semblance of cohesive ?sisterhood? between various factions of women in America. Radical feminism of the time pit housewives against college attending girls. Being a mother was looked down upon. Writers like Alice Walker gave birth to a daughter, fellow writer Rebecca Walker and would later tell her she was nothing more than burden on her and that she should have had an abortion because children restrained a woman?s growth. With the legalization of abortion came reproductive choice, but at what cost? Women thought they were being supported to live the lives they chose for themselves, but really they were nothing more than pawns in a political game they are still being used in four decades later in a made up campaign?referred?to as the ?War On Women?.

Who defines the role of a woman? And when did the femmebots become the end all be all to what makes one a successful woman? After the past few weeks of listening to the denigrating comments being thrown at Ann Romney about her role as a mother and a wife, it really got me thinking about my own mother and choices she made for herself and for her family. The very people who attack Ann Romney also attack my mother for her brand of feminism.

Simply put, my question is this? What makes a working woman any better than a mother who chooses to stay home and raise her children? In fact, who came up with the term ?working woman? to describe those who go to their 9 to 5? Do stay at home mothers not work? Recent studies have shown that unless their husband makes a significant amount of money yearly, the cost of a woman going to work full time as well wont even cover the cost of day care (Source: So if that?s the case, why not stay home to raise the children you gave birth to instead of handing them off to someone else 80 hours a week who will be giving your children their morals and ethics? I grew up in a very ritzy and privileged part of Los Angeles. I worked at parks and was a nanny when I was in high school and college. I have seen first hand the effects of hands off parenting. I have seen how a child who is raised mostly by a nanny instead of their own parents can shape their personalities, their behavior, and their self esteem. It isn?t pretty. Many of these children lash out at home, they don?t perform as well in school, and they certainly have many emotional issues that they will have to contend with as they get older. Now before anyone gets up in arms with me for attacking the working mother, I am not attacking her in the slightest. The children with the nannies I speak of above? Guess what? Their mothers were very privileged and did not work. In fact while Dad was off working 60 hour weeks, Mom was off hanging out with her ritzy friends at the country club while the ?help? such as myself were at home raising their children. How does any of this make for a better and more advanced woman? The Mom who works and needs a babysitter to help her after school and with errands is not one in the same. And women like that deserve and need a hand sometimes.

For years fellow class moms, softball moms, other moms in the neighborhood would talk down to my mother like she was some sort of ingrate for making the choice to stay at home with her children. Mean cruel phrases like ?You set us back a whole century with your choice? would fall out of their mouths. But she took it in stride and kept her cool. Deep down inside she knew she was making the right choice for her and for her daughters. Being the ultimate Mom she was and is, my Mom made her two daughters the focal point of her life while we were growing up. At softball games, she was the Mom who brought the snacks every week waking up early Saturday mornings to cut those orange slices perfectly. She was the Mom at every PTA meeting. She was the Mom sitting in the classroom as an unpaid teachers assistant volunteering and lending a hand because she knew teachers needed the help and were overwhelmed. When I wanted to be in beauty pageants she bought me cute dresses? And when it became too outrageous her inner feminist said no more beauty pageants! When I chose to join Academic Decathlon and debate, she was there with her pompoms front and center cheering me on to nerdy academic gold medal success. She has been there as an adult too because your role as a mother does not end the day your children turn 18. When I decided to embark on a career in politics she knew it would be hard because I am a woman. And the political world is a rough one to break into when you are a woman. But she never let me be a victim. She never let me believe the glass ceiling could hold me back. She told me to wipe my tears, stand up tall, and put my boots on because it was time to kick some ass.

My Mom the stay at home parent, is not the only outside of the box feminist I know. I am blessed to have many in my life who have shaped me as a person and the woman I am today. My grandmother, the original working Mom went out and did what she had to when it came to supporting her children. And what a life she has lived! She has been a race car driver (seriously), she worked at the original Wal Mart in Arkansas (I am not joking), she dealt cards at casinos (Teach me how to count cards Gramma?)? These are just a few of the interesting jobs she?s had in her life. And yet somehow she has managed to raise three awesome children and be there in the lives in her numerous grandchildren. Was her growth and potential somehow hindered by having children? I think not! My Aunt Ruth, the hardest working single Mom I have ever known gives me inspiration as to what womanhood should look like all the time. Taking care of a child on your own in the big city is no easy task. And working your way up from being a temp to being the VP of one of the largest companies in her industry in less than two decades is no easy task. My Aunt Michelle has steadily worked two jobs my entire life to put my cousins through school and is putting them through college now based off the work she has put into raising two amazing kids like my cousins. My boyfriend?s Mother Catherine joined the Army at a young age, had two children, and has been hands on their entire lives. Did having children hinder their abilities as independent women? Absolutely not. I could give you example after example of the various forms of motherhood, but I think you get the point.

Instead of attacking one another knowing that life can be hard for women, why do we continue to go after one another? Why do working women attack Moms who stay home? Why do stay at home Moms look down on women who work? Why do elitists look at Ann Romney like she is some sort of abnormality holding our gender back? She stayed home, had five kids, and raised them to be good people. Something women have been doing for centuries. And in case you were not aware ladies, your body was created to give birth to humans. Something you should take pride in. Last time I checked men can not carry babies around and give them life (Sorry boys, be jealous). That is something you will always have and should cherish your ability in doing so. I am so grateful for the women I have encountered in politics before me. They have been really amazing. No drama, no garbage, nothing catty. Just pure love for the next generation of women coming into the arena. Know that you can be a?feminist?and a conservative. You can be a traditional Mom and be career orientated. You can be whatever the hell you want to be as a woman! Dont let the talking heads tell you otherwise. DO NOT fall for the victimhood trap that the political left has set out for you. You do not need the government?s help in advancing yourself as a person. That should be insulting to you that somehow the government needs to help you more and interfere more in your life because you happen to be a woman. What that means is they see you as the weaker of the species. And if you ask me, it is pretty damn hard to be a woman sometimes. There is nothing weak about our?species. Radical change needed to happen in this country in order for women to advance and be treated with equality. But instead of seeking equality, the women?s rights movement took a turn away from being proud to be a woman and equated?receiving equality with acting like a man and confusing gender roles. It?s time to thank our foremothers for their hard work and move forward. We have to stop living in this suspended motion version of 1960s style feminism. It is destroying womanhood in America as we know it.

About Ashley Ingram

Ingram has written for numerous blogs including Flashreport, California Political News and Views and has been featured in newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, Daily News, and other newspapers across the state and country. Ingram frequently appears as a guest on radio shows such as John and Ken, NPR?s Larry Mantle Show, Kevin James, Doug McIntyre, TJ McCormack on LA Talk Radio, and various other shows to give commentary mainly on California, youth, and national politics.

Femmenazis, Leftism, Women


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Records tumble on first day of the Paralympics

Cyclist Sarah Storey on Thursday stormed to her eighth Paralympic gold, taking the women's C5 individual 3km pursuit after a lightning-quick qualifying time that would have won her a non-disabled title.

The 34-year-old rider's winning performance, which opened the hosts' gold account, came amid a slew of new world bests in track cycling and swimming, as China took the first gold of the Games on the first day of competition.

Storey, a five-time Paralympic swimming gold medallist who switched sports for the Beijing Games in 2008, caught Poland's Anna Harkowska with just under half of the 12-lap race to go, giving her a third cycling gold.

The British cyclist earlier clocked a new world best of 3min 32.170sec, which would have won her silver at the World Championships earlier this year and the title at the UCI Track Cycling World Cup at the same venue in February.

That World Cup race, a test event for the Olympic Velodrome, was won by her British compatriot Joanna Rowsell in 3min 32.364sec. Rowsell took Olympic gold earlier this month in the team pursuit.

Storey, who was born without a functioning left hand and narrowly missed out on a place in Britain's Olympic squad, said: "I always thought that if I could get off to a great start it would set up the week and hopefully that's the case.

"To get the gold medal is a dream come true."

China won both races in the C1-2-3 pursuit, with Zeng Sini breaking the world record in qualifying, while Germany's Tobias Graf set a new C2 best as he took bronze in the men's event.

Susan Powell posted the world's fastest time in the women's C4 3km individual pursuit qualifiers and went on to give Australia its first gold of the Games.

It was a good day for the Aussies, with defending champion Kieran Modra and guide rider Scott McPhee taking the men's blind and visually impaired 4km tandem pursuit, beating Modra's previous world best.

Five world records tumbled in the swimming finals, with the highlight New Zealander Sophie Pascoe, who smashed the new best she set earlier in qualifying by more than three seconds in the final of the 200m SM10 individual medley.

In the men's equivalent, Benoit Huot of Canada shaved his own previous world best down to 2min 10.01secs.

Zheng Tao, meanwhile, finally beat the record set by Russia's Igor Plotnikov way back in 2004 in the men's S6 100m backstroke, while compatriot Lu Dong took the women's race, also in world record time, as China scooped three golds.

Brazil's Daniel Dias became the fastest man ever in the S5 50m freestyle.

Sergey Punko and Oxana Savchenko made it a Russian double in both S12 400m freestyle events.

Charles Rozoy gave France its first gold in the men's S8 100m butterfly and US swimmer Jessica Long took the women's race to give her an eighth Paralympic gold over three Games.

Britain's Jonathan Fox, who lowered his own S7 100m backstroke world record to 1min 9.86secs in qualifying, went on to secure the hosts' first gold in the pool, while Hungarian powerhouse Tamas Sors took the S9 100m butterfly.

In the women's race, South Africa's Natalie du Toit won the 11th gold in her Paralympic career -- even if she was disappointed with the time.

Du Toit, a dominant force over the last decade who became the first amputee to qualify for the Olympics, swimming the 10km open water race in Beijing, plans to race in seven events and is retiring after the Games.

But she ruled out staying on in the sport until the next Games in Rio de Janeiro in four years' time.

"No I'm done. It's very official. It's sad, but I walk away knowing I gave it everything," she said.

China's Zhang Cuiping earlier shot her way to the first gold of the Games in the women's 10m air rifle, scoring 104.9 for an overall score of 500.9, while Park Seakyun, of South Korea, won the men's 10m air pistol.

Nigeria secured their first win in powerlifting, as Yukubu Adesokan was roared to gold in the men's -48kg class, as he broke his own world record twice to lift nearly four times his own body weight, first with 178kg then 180kg.

And there was double delight for German twins Carmen and Ramona Brussig, who both won judo gold in the women's -48kg and -52kg categories.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hugh Hefner's ex Holly Madison is pregnant

Ethan Miller / Getty Images file

By Rebecca Macatee, E! Online

Great news for the girl next door: Holly Madison is pregnant! The Playboy model and former "Girls Next Door" star is expecting her first child with boyfriend Pasquale Rotella, her rep tells E! News.

Earlier this year, Madison told In Touch?she was she was planning to adopt a child, adding, "I really want to be a mommy."

Holly insures her boobs

The 33-year-old bombshell recently told Us Weekly?she "thought it would take longer" to become a mom.

"I've been lucky! No morning sickness, but I do get a little nauseous," the star of Las Vegas burlesque revue Peepshow added. "It happens before my show, so I keep ginger ale backstage."

On Tuesday, she tweeted an Instagram?pic of a fortune that said, "The current year will bring you much happiness." She tweeted?a link to the shot, adding "i think so ..."

We think so, too! Congratulations to Holly and Pasquale!

Holly's peep show

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Miloslav (Milan) Petrusek (1936 ? 2012) ? Jeffrey C. Goldfarb's ...

Milan Petrusek, a pillar of integrity and a major figure in Czech social science, died last week. In this post, Hana Cervinkova pays tribute to him and to Alena Miltov?, his wife. Together, they have been quiet heroes of Czech social science, culture and public life. I have long appreciated their work and benefited from it. It has been a privilege to know them personally. I publish this remembrance with sadness and deep appreciation. -Jeff

The world of Czech social science is a rather small community concentrated in several academic and research institutions in this country of ten million people. Today?s quality institutions in Prague and Brno are results of the complex process of the post-1989 (re)construction of various disciplines (including sociology, political science, anthropology, philosophy and economics), following their almost total destruction during the Communist rule. While in Poland, for example, a distinct tradition of critical social thought developed despite official restrictions prior to 1989, Czechoslovak social science was subject to all-encompassing censorship that concerned not only indigenous production, but also the prohibition on translations of Western theoretical texts. Leading Czech and Slovak scholars who dared to express critical and independent views were quickly removed from academic and research positions. As a result, the struggle for the re(construction) of the Czech and Slovak social science that began in 1989 was a difficult and somewhat solitary task wrought with many predicaments that characterized academic and scholarly work in this small post-traumatic professional community. Once the borders opened, some (including me) decided to temporarily or permanently emigrate to countries with larger and better established professional milieus. The task of shaping the local tradition was taken up by few exceptional personalities who dedicated their professional lives to the building of institutions that allowed for the Czech social sciences to grow.

The professional wisdom, patience and resoluteness involved in this process is personified by the work Miloslav (Milan) Petrusek and Alena Miltov? ? an exceptional couple to whom many Czech social scientists owe their careers and some of us much more than that. These sociologists chose to play different, yet complementary roles in the post-1989 reconstruction of Czech sociology and social sciences more generally. In 1990, Milan was already an established sociologist, albeit with twenty-years as a dissident, during which he had been removed from the official position in the academia. Between 1970 and 1989, this leading Czech scholar worked as an assistant librarian in the university library, secretly publishing a samizdat journal Sociological Horizons and contributing to other Czech samizdat publications with his own texts and translations. After 1989, he threw himself fully into both a scholarly and administrative academic career. He played the leading role in the building of the School of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague where he served for two terms as the Dean. Throughout this intensive administrative period (including a term in the position of a University Vice-Provost), Milan published and earned the highest academic degrees. In addition to important sociological monographs, he edited the Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Sociology and wrote textbooks that continue to be used as classics in the country. Milan was also one of the closest advisers to President V?clav Havel and later he co-founded V?clav Havel?s library. Perhaps of all his different roles and careers, however, the most important to him was teaching. Milan Petrusek was a professor par excellence ? a professor who treated teaching with passion and a sense of mission for cultivating future generations of Czech sociologists.

In 1991 Alena Miltov?, who held a Ph.D. in sociology decided to leave a research career at the Czech Academy of Sciences and established a private publishing house that specialized in the social sciences ? publishing both translations and original work. With a hard-to-describe modesty, she has operated this enormous undertaking from a small one-room office, rented from the Academy of Sciences in the center of Prague. In 20 years, she has published over 250 titles, including classic works by such authors as Georg Simmel, Marcel Mauss, Maurice Halbwachs, Thorstein Veblen, Erving Goffman, Clifford Geertz, etc. It is Alena, through her publishing house SLON, who played a key role in the filling of the great gap in Czech language literature after 1989 ? the legacy of Communist censorship.

Even though they might not put this as their greatest achievements, one needs to see both Alena and Milan as highly successful institution builders in the very complicated milieu of post-socialist Czech social sciences. They both created the necessary institutional infrastructure for generations of Czech scholars to come.

While the writing of this piece is motivated by Milan?s sudden death on August 19th, I cannot write about him without thinking about Alena ? they were inseparable in life and in my mind. I loved getting postcards from the many different places that they visited on their European sojourns. Neither of them drove a car. They used public transportation to go to distant places, sometimes on the invitation of their friends or former students who owed their international careers to their support. In 2010, they visited me in Wroclaw. We spent a wonderful four days filled with discussions about social sciences, literature and the academia. I remember asking Milan for advise on my upcoming career decisions ? he unquestionably supported my return from the high-profile public job to full-time academic career. Their visit was planned to coincide with the New School?s Graduate Faculty?s Democracy and Diversity Institute run by Elzbieta Matynia, who was at the time beginning to work on the book of correspondence between Adam Michnik and V?clav Havel. Milan helped her to locate sources. It was a memorable visit, because in the 1990s, Milan and Alena were key members of the Graduate Faculty?s Democracy Seminars, and in Wroclaw they met up with GF faculty that helped create that exceptional transatlantic community of public and academic intellectuals, leaders of dissent in their homelands.

I suspect that Alena?s and Milan?s travels always had intellectual subtext ? even going for a two-week health visit to a spa involved packing and transporting manuscripts, dissertations and reviews. I remember getting up at six in the morning woken up by our baby son when they were visiting us in Wroclaw, finding Milan hard at work over books from our library, taking neat handwritten notes in his paper notebook with a pencil.

I feel it was a gift that I was able to see them last time together just few weeks ago. They were very happy spending their vacation in the picturesque corner of northeast Bohemia near my family house. The place ? Babi??ino ?dol? (Grandmother?s Valley) tied to the history of Czech literature belongs to a favorite domestic family destination. Grandmother?s Valley takes its name from a book by the 19th century Czech feminist writer, Bo?ena N?mcov?, who wrote a Czech children?s classic in which she describes her childhood spent here under the care of her grandmother. Milan, Alena and I had lunch in the restaurant of the small hotel where they were staying not far from a historic museum created in the houses and locations described in the book. As usually, we talked about the social sciences and Milan was keenly interested in developments in the Polish academia. He mentioned his latest book project, but he spent most of the time talking about his students, about teaching and new evaluation standards in the Czech research community. He was concerned with what he perceived was the lowering standard of academic quality, the waning of enthusiasm both among students and professors.

But Milan?s eyes brightened as he shared news of his new project ? a sociology discussion group composed of his former and present doctoral students. The ?Tribe,? as they called themselves, gathered regularly in Milan and Alena?s small Prague apartment and spent evenings discussing sociology. The meetings were structured and began with a three-hour seminar, followed by less structured discussions over wine. It seems poignant that this great professor of Czech sociology, who did not give up his passion for sociology and took to samizdat when he was fired from the academia by the Communists, would decide to renew his currently disenchanted students? passion for sociology in the private space of his home. It is hard not to notice the resemblance between his home-based meetings with students and the flying seminars that he was a part of in the private spaces of Communist Central Europe.

With Milan Petrusek?s sudden death, Czech sociology looses one of its most important architects. However, I feel strongly that I should end this remembrance on a hopeful note: his intellectual legacy will be continued by his students to whom he was devoted until his unexpected death on August 19th.

The burial ceremony is taking place today in Prague on August 29, 2012, the 27th anniversary of Milan?s and Alena?s marriage.

Postscript: On October 5, 2012, Miloslav Petrusek will receive the prestigious VIZE 97 Prize from the Dagmar and V?clav Havel Foundation, awarded annually on V?clav Havel?s birthday to internationally renowned scholars, scientists and public intellectuals. It is emblematic that neither the donor, nor the laureate, who knew each other well, will be personally present at this year?s ceremony ? both Havel and Petrusek were born in October 1936 and neither of them lived to celebrate their 76th birthday.


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Obama administration hikes CAFE fuel economy standard to 54.5 mpg

or whatever the crisis may be ? has a life of its own. Men and women keep dying, and U.S. policies keep accelerating the centrifugal forces that are driving the country toward civil conflict, which may have profound implications for future regional and international security." ? Sarah Chaynes, a senior associate with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in commentary published Sunday as analysts say that the a public worn down by a war that began just a month after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, no longer cares about Afghanistan, and that the war has slipped off the radar screens and is now considered by many to be over.


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2013 BMW X6 M Test Drive

On Sale Date: Now

Price: $92,900

Competitors: Mercedes-Benz ML63 AMG, Porsche Cayenne Turbo, Land Rover Range Rover

Powertrains: 4.4-liter turbocharged V-8, 555 hp, 500 lb-ft; 6-speed auto

EPA Fuel Economy (city/hwy): 12/17

What's New: BMW holds to the X6 M's bold bruiser roots, with little meddling beneath the skin of this high-performance crossover SUV. For 2013, the X6 M receives an imposing "power dome" hood, reshaped kidney grilles, a squintier set of headlights, and reworked taillamps. Also new for 2013 is BMW's Active Sound Design, which pipes engine noise through the stereo's speakers to enhance the aural experience of driving this big sport ute (though plenty of gearheads consider this new trend to be cheating).

Tech Tidbit: The X6 M's electronic rear differential was the first of its kind in any BMW M car when it went into the X5 M. The differential diverts torque to the wheel that needs it the most, helping to give this hefty SUV graceful handling despite its oversize footprint.

Driving Character: By the mean, high-waisted looks of it, you'd suspect the BMW X6 M exists solely to intimidate lesser vehicles?but that's only half the story. The X6 M is a fire-breathing misfit that, despite its curb heft of 5324 pounds, can launch to 60 mph in 4.5 seconds. One BMW executive describes it as "a high water mark for engineering defying physics," and we don't disagree. The X6 M attacks windy public roads with ease. Its active electronic differential deserves much of the credit for effectively and efficiently dispatching 500 lb-ft of torque to all four wheels, lessening the driver's burden of carefully managing the considerable weight transfer of the X6 M's cornering forces. An automatically decoupling roll bar also enhances ride quality at lower speeds, while the newly incorporated Active Sound Design feature heightens the perception of speed by artificially enhancing the exhaust note. All of this makes for a fleet 4x4 that can't quite compete against BMW's other M cars for outright agility but otherwise makes a surprisingly entertaining case for itself.

Favorite Detail: The drama-free way this 2-1/2-ton SUV launches off the line is nearly worth the high price of admission?the electronic differential keeps tire spin to nearly nil, maximizing forward motion with a satisfying whoosh.

Driver's Grievance: The X6 M's commendable handling would be even more impressive if its center of gravity were lower. And unlike alternatives like Land Rover's Range Rover, the Bimmer has virtually no off-road capabilities to speak of, despite its elevated stance.

The Bottom Line: We've come a long way since the days when BMW fanboys were outraged that the M moniker was affixed to sport utilities. Now that this unlikely offering is proving a viable option against pricier alternatives like the Porsche Cayenne Turbo (which, incidentally, barely edged out the X6 M last year?the Porsche sold 12 more units in the U.S.). So BMW can savor an "I told you so" attitude against the doubters.

Is this X6 M as pure an expression of M-power as universally lauded cars like the M3? With its nondual-clutch gearbox and considerable heft, the answer is a definitive No. But for swift, civilized transport with an unconventional silhouette, the X6 M goes a long way toward satisfying a question that few, if any, have asked.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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HBT: Yanks' Soriano slammed for not facing media

Rafael Soriano has had a fantastic season overall. Really, if back in April you told the Yankees Universe that Mariano Rivera was gonna miss almost all of the season because of a torn ACL, people would have assumed disaster. Instead, Soriano has nailed down most saves ? he?s 33 for 36 where even Mariano River blew five saves last year ? and has kept the bullpen humming.

But he got lit up last night and then he bolted the clubhouse before the press got there. John Harper says that?s bad news.?Of course, because this is Harper, the notion is put forth with enough sanctimony and drama to choke a horse:

One thing for sure: Soriano doesn?t handle himself in defeat the way his predecessor did. Nobody was more accountable or classier when he did blow one than Rivera ??He was gone before the Yankees? PR people could even find him to ask if he would answer questions from the media.?And don?t get this wrong: it?s not a media issue, it?s an accountability issue. It?s about being a professional in a clubhouse that has oozed professionalism since the day Derek Jeter showed up some 16 years ago.

Overwrought phrasing aside, he?s not wrong. I personally think that to a lot of reporters it is a media thing, but Harper correctly notes that players hate it when the guy everyone wants to talk to because of his screw up leaves and they have to give the quotes for the next day?s unhappy stories.

Harper wants to make it into some harbinger of doom and by the constant comparison to Rivera he wants to make it much larger than it is, which is kinda silly. ?But it?s not nothing. Soriano probably annoyed his teammates with that.


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LG preps 21:9 aspect ratio EA93 and WQHD EA83 series IPS LCD monitors for debut at IFA 2012

LG preps 219 aspect ratio EA93 and WQHD EA83 series IPS LCD monitors for debut at IFA 2012

It's tradeshow season and as is its custom, LG is bringing monitors packed with its latest and greatest display technology to show off. Just announced ahead of IFA 2012 are the EA93 and EA83 IPS LCDs, with the former aimed at entertainment / multitasking and the latter targeting graphics, video and photography pros. The EA93 is a 29-inch 21:9 aspect ratio ultrawidescreen (2560 x 1080) display with a thin bezel designed to immerse the viewer in the content. It can handle a 4-way split screen and connections via DVI Dual Link, DisplayPort, or HDMI with MHL support. The 27-inch EA83's claim to fame is its 2560 x 1440 WQHD resolution that brings four times the pixel count of 1280 x 720 panels and 99 percent Adobe RGB accuracy. There's no word on the price tag for either of these, but they should start shipping in November.

Continue reading LG preps 21:9 aspect ratio EA93 and WQHD EA83 series IPS LCD monitors for debut at IFA 2012

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LG preps 21:9 aspect ratio EA93 and WQHD EA83 series IPS LCD monitors for debut at IFA 2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 23:42:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Trivializing Spousal Abuse? ?We Were Just Having Fun? ? Nigerian ...

Posted on Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 at 12:22 AM


In June 2012, Kikelomo Oyeniyi, wife of Nigerian musician K-Solo (Solomon Oyeniyi) granted Nigerian weekly tabloid City People an exclusive interview. In the interview, she revealed intimate details about her relationship with her husband including how they met (on Facebook), how he reportedly scammed another woman online, how she paid for their wedding, how he stole from her and finally how he incessantly physically assaulted her in public (According to Kike, K-Solo beat her up at Shoprite after an?argument?over wine glasses) and at home (he reportedly threw a washing?machine?at her). The assault resulted in a miscarriage and according to Kike?s account, K-Solo prevented her from obtaining medical assistance. Click HERE to read the interview via LIB.

She also released photographs of her battered face and confirmed that the case had been reported to the Police authorities.

K-Solo responded by releasing a statement

Over the past three days, I have been inundated with phone calls, text messages and emails from fans, friends, family members and well wishers from all over Nigeria and abroad over allegations of wife battery, assault and thievery by my wife, Mrs. Kikelomo Oyeniyi, as contained in an interview she granted City People Magazine.
I make bold to say that as much as no union is without its own trials and tribulations, I have never laid hands on my wife and will never because have got sisters and a mother.

I am a hardworking young man that has been in the music industry for over a decade and do not need any woman?s wealth to live. This is our own trying time and we would surmount it one way or the other.

Mistakes have been made and they would be redressed, God willing. Let no man be the judge of another man?s deeds or misdeeds, let God and law take their courses. I hereby implore everybody to please appreciate and understand that this is a very difficult moment for me and my immediate family and would not wish to comment on this issue any further.

Fast forward a few months, now the couple seems to have reconciled and as illustrated by this Channels TV interview, they have reconciled and all is forgotten. In Kikelomo?s words, ?We Were Just Having Fun?

We are talking about this because spousal abuse is a big issue in Nigeria. We hope cases such as this do not undermine or trivialize the struggles that real victims face.

Tags: K-Solo

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Schneiderman: Huntley, cronies ran sham nonprofit

Shirley Huntley, State SenatorThe following report was written by Casey Seiler of the Times Union:

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said that the indictment of state Sen. Shirley Huntley for her alleged role in an attempt to cover up the theft of almost $30,000 in public funds through a ?sham nonprofit? emerged from his office?s year-old collaboration with state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli.

In a press conference Monday afternoon, Schneiderman displayed a reproduction of a ?template? letter allegedly drawn up by Huntley and others to make it seem as if the nonprofit Parent Workshop Inc., which received $30,000 in member item funds requested by the Queens Democrat, had provided programming to the Southern Queens Park Association when no such services had been provided.

Huntley created Parent Workshop in March 2006, and secured the member item in May 2008.

Senate Democratic Leader John Sampson issued the following statement: ?With the filings of today?s charges, I have removed Senator Huntley from her committee ranking and leadership positions, effective immediately.?

Huntley has, however, already received this year?s $9,000 stipend as the ranking Democrat on the chamber?s Mental Health Committee. (A quarter of these lulus are paid in March; the remainder goes out after the budget is passed ? which this year was also in March.)

Schneiderman said the investigation was ongoing, and suggested similar actions were in the pipeline as a result of his unique arrangement with DiNapoli on public integrity cases. ?There is more firepower being brought to bear on this issue than there has been,? he said, pointing to federal as state prosecutors and watchdog entities.

Huntley, who on Saturday declared her innocence, appeared Monday morning at Nassau County courthouse under a superceding indictment that added to last year?s action against four people, including a Huntley staffer and the senator?s niece. Today?s 20-count indictment charges the senator with conspiracy, a misdemeanor, and two felonies: tampering with physical evidence and falsifying business records.

A felony conviction would result in Huntley?s automatic ejection from the Legislature.

Re-named in the new indictment was Huntley?s niece Lynn Smith, who served as the non-profit?s treasurer; its president Patricia Savage, a Huntley aide; and David Gantt, a New York City Housing Authority official who the indictment says served as a ?consultant? for Parent Workshop.

Conspicuous in his absence from the new superceding indictment is Roger Scotland, who the December press release from the AG?s office identifies thusly:

Defendent Roger N. Scotland, the President of the Southern Queens Park Association, a separate nonprofit corporation located in Queens, also created a false record in an attempt to hide the theft from investigators. Mr. Scotland is charged with Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, Tampering with Physical Evidence, and conspiracy to engage in those crimes.

The new indictment makes no mention of Scotland, though its description of the creation of the letter from the Southern Queens Park Association refers to an unnamed ?witness known to the Grand Jury? who created the bogus missive allegedly at the request of Huntley and Savage.

The AG?s office said the case against Scotland is ?still pending.?

Click here to see the AG?s full release:


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