Friday, August 31, 2012

Complete Guidelines to Health and Fitness: Ganoderma - All About ...

Ganoderma, this mushroom is one of the most important traditional Chinese medicines for stabilizing a number of body functions which are keeping a person in good health. Many of its functions are attributed to prevention of diseases, specifically virus infections.

Described functions are:

  • adjusts the immune system to prevent viral diseases and to prevent and fight tumor
  • protects and detoxifies the liver
  • prevents and cures heart diseases
  • slows the aging process
  • has a positive effect on insomnia
  • is a cure for high blood pressure
  • to treat diabetes
  • is a treatment for chronic bronchitis and asthma
  • has effect on hyper susceptibility
  • is used as a beauty care medicine for the skin

Healthy Coffee with Ganoderma

Boost your immune system,healthy weight loss with the secret herb, called the King of Herbs, Ganoderma Lucidum. Infused into the finest Gourmet Coffee in the world! Business minded people position yourself in front of this massive trend now!

How Ganoderma Works on the Body?

Most ailments and chronic illnesses are caused by pH imbalance due to toxin build up. Ganoderma Lucidum removes or neutralizes toxins so the body can rebuild its natural immune system. You will feel beneficial effects on day one, depending on your pH imbalance. If you take Ganoderma daily, you'll feel distinctively rejuvenated and healthy. Stop taking it, and you will suffer a reversal of its benefits.

The Ganoderma Rejuvenation Process

* Seek & Treat (1-30 days)

Ganoderma finds and attacks areas of weakness or illness. During this phase, some apparent health symptoms may surface. Called "ailment reflection," this is quite natural and is not a side effect. Ganoderma is zeroing in on an ailment, which it immediately starts to heal/rebalance.

Cleanse & Restore (1-6 months)

Ganoderma neutralizes or removes acids, excess cholesterol, fat, dead tissue, and toxins. Day-by-day you'll feel healthier and more energized as you accumulate Ganoderma. Your body is being restored to a healthy balance.

Recover & Rejuvenate (6-24 months)

Ganoderma continues to strengthen the immune system with elements and vitamins. You'll feel healthy and vigorous as Ganoderma sustains optimal body functions.

Health Benefits - Ganoderma May Help Reduce Cholesterol

Cardiovascular disease has been called an epidemic of sorts in North America and Europe. Not surprising when you consider a typical North American lifestyle of not enough physical activity, diet high in saturated fats, and fast paced living driving up stress levels.

Even though the National Center for Health Statistics reported Americans average total cholesterol has dropped substantially from 1978 - 1990, the American Heart Association has reported 98.1 million adult Americans still have borderline high blood cholesterol levels and this puts them at greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease.

Elevated cholesterol levels are one of the major risk factors identified by the American Heart Association in the development of Cardiovascular disease which is the number one killer in North America and Europe. We need to reduce cholesterol levels.

Adenosine which is found in Ganoderma lucidum helped to reduce cholesterol

This number one rated herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine has many potent healing properties. One being that it may help reduce cholesterol and or may help the liver in suppressing its production.

Researchers from the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that Adenosine which is found in Ganoderma lucidium helped to reduce cholesterol in their studies.

Researchers at the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland called Ganoderma lucidium "a renowed medicinal species". In their study on hamsters and minipigs, oxgenated lanosterol derived from Ganoderma lucidium "inhibited cholesterol synthesis".

With hamsters it was able to reduce cholesterol (total) by 9.8% and HDL levels by 11.2%.

In minipigs the oxygenated lanosterol derived from the mushroom Ganoderma lucidium was able to reduce cholesterol (total) by 20%, LDL by 27%, and HDL by 18%.

The researchers conclusion was that Ganoderma "has the potential to reduce LDL cholesterol in vivo (inside the body) through various mechanisms... innovative new cholesterol lowering foods and medicines containing Gl (Ganoderma lucidium) are envisioned."

*Please do your own research and when you feel it is necessary to consult a specialist then please do so.

Ganoderma Lucidum can be an effective cancer herbs to assist conventional treatment

Modern treatment usually attempt to destroy cancer cells through radio therapy or chemo therapy. However while destroying cancer cells, such treatment also destroys many essential cells beneficial to human body such as

  • Macrophage
  • T-lymphocyte
  • Blood producing cells
  • White Blood Cells and others
Furthermore, chemo therapy leads to lowering of immunity and weakening of body. So, once treatment is discontinued, the remaining cancer cells might multiply back quickly when the body is weak. This may be fatal.

The integral effects from the consumption of Ganoderma cancer herbs together with modern therapy provide promising results. Beside its own anti cancer properties, this herb can also destroy cancer cell together with conventional therapy.

At the same time, it also fights against the unwanted effects of radiation, reducing damage by radio therapy and chemo therapy to essential cells like Macrophage, T-lymphocyte, blood producing cells, White Blood Cells and others.

Ganoderma Lucidum increases the tolerance level to radio therapy and chemo therapy, improves appetite and strengthens immunity. Some terminally ill cancer patient are so weak that they are not able to withstand these therapies.

After the consumption of Ganoderma cancer herbs, their condition improved and they can complete the course of radio therapy and chemo therapy. Many patients with tumors have also significantly improved after taking Ganoderma Lucidum.

Indeed, Ganoderma cancer herbs play an important role in supporting conventional medication for alternative cancer cure. Its effectiveness in controlling cancer is around 40% to 50%. The main components that give Ganoderma Lucidum its strong anti cancer properties are Organic Germanium and Polysaccharides (especially beta glucan).

Another important natural supplement for alternative cancer cure is Bee Propolis. Researchers found that this natural antibiotic can cut down the DNA of cancer cell, preventing it from multiplying. Other beneficial supplements for cancer include Cordyceps Sinensis herbs and Green Tea extract.

Besides taking natural herbs and supplements for cancer, it's very important to continue with conventional chemo therapy and radio therapy.

Ganoderma and its meaning

ABOUT GANODERMA lucidum, Commonly titled "Reishi" or "Lingzhi" Under the engrossed investigate ended by both Asiatic and added scholars in recent years, and with the synergetic analysis and clinical experiments ended by hospitals, colleges and pharmaceutical manufacturers, its comprehensive efficacy has finally been discovered.

It is a hemocatheresis, detoxicant, diuretic, liver protector, intestine regulator, cardiotonic, murder push adjuster, a algid tonic, antitussive and expectorant, and anti- ontogeny drug. Ganoderma is a traditional drug utilised to nourish, tonify, and attach the whole embody as it removes toxins and disperses accumulation. It calms and nourishes the troubled system, strengthens the lungs (good for asthma sufferers), protects and stimulates the liver, also helps the embody alter to stress. It has modify been famous to support whatever grouping with fastening baldness, starting material feedback and regaining material colour.

Ganoderma is flush in astir organic compounds, which are still existence unnatural for their constructive personalty on the insusceptible system, and is in a class of insusceptible grouping regulators and pronounce adaptogens that includes Astragalus, Schizandra, Codonopsis and Ginseng.

Ganoderma grows in China's coastal provinces and also in Japan's plum tree groves and North dweller oak forests, especially on the roots, trunks and rotting tree stumps. In Nihon Ganoderma is famous as the \"Phantom mushroom\" because it is unbelievably rare to encounter it ontogeny in the wild. On average, exclusive 10 disorderly mushrooms module be institute per 100,000 Asian plum trees.

The flushed Ganoderma was rattling rare and pricey to obtain until recently. These days, cod to its international popularity Ganoderma is cultivated indoors on organic palm or plum tree sawdust in an elaborate impact that in whatever cases crapper verify up to digit yeas.

Ganoderma contains a veritable pharmacy of substances including polysaccharides, glycosides, sterols, polypeptides, amino acids, ascorbic acid, lipids, alkaloids, a glucose, a coumarin glycoside, vaporific oil, riboflavin, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Beta-D-Glucan is a identify of Polysaccharide believed to be answerable for whatever of the insusceptible regulating personalty of Ganoderma, including exciting the insusceptible grouping by enhancing production of anti-bodies, T-Cells and magcrophages.

Scientific evidence shows that Ganoderma counteracts alteration caused to the insusceptible grouping by irradiation therapy, including anti-tumour activity. It protects bone marrow cells against liberated radicals generated by X-Rays, prevents atrophy (shrinkage) of the thymus gland and counteracts albescent murder radiophone suppression caused by gamma rays during irradiation therapy.

This oriental super-remedy helps restore insusceptible function after viral, bacterial and fungal infections, as substantially as during chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunodeficiency disorders, habitual bronchitis and habitual hepatitis (especially Hepatitis B & C). It provides powerful anti-allergic land against every types of allergic reaction, promotes radiophone feedback and helps with feat from stress, improves metabolism, strengthens heart, mentality and lung function, increases murder oxygen, slows premature ageing and enhances vitality, creating a opinion of wellbeing.

Ganoderma crapper be condemned long constituent without fear of developing a tolerance to its effects. In fact, during protracted illness, Ganoderma is a superb complementary penalization utilised with conventional therapy providing primary hold to the embody and facilitating meliorate outcomes. It crapper be utilised in the communication of recurrent colds and flu, asthma, elevation sickness, broad murder pressure, habitual tedium syndrome, retrovirus /AIDS, habitual bronchitis, habitual hepatitis, rejuvenates cells and is famous to alter cancer.

The Asian Government officially lists Ganoderma as a center for treating cancer - The Asian Medical earth has confirmed that Ganoderma has constructive efficacy.

Ganoderma Detox Guide

Every embody is unique. Some haw hit been more exposed to toxins than others in everyday chronicle situations (chemicals in food, water, pesticides, petroleum products etc) and embellish ill as a result. The embody crapper decimate these toxins, but ofttimes needs help.

The initial intake of Ganoderma cloud module elicit detoxification. The astir ingredients in the cloud module activate and energise the cells to care with the aliens in its premises. The impact helps alter whatever of the illnesses and diseases attendant to the presence of toxins in the body. As a result, the symptoms of illness module prototypal reappear then finally go away. When uncolored sanative is evoked by the herbs, the embody proceeds to ameliorate from the MOST VITAL ORGAN to the LEAST VITAL ORGAN, from the INSIDE to the OUTSIDE, from the HEAD to the EXTREMITIES, and from the MOSTRECENT symptom, engaged ended to the OLDEST. This is inevitable. Some grouping wish to refrain this conception of sanative as it haw verify time, however, this is how nature works.

Taking the Ganoderma cloud encourages cellular detoxification, by the cells existence reactive and energised to care with the accumulating toxins either in the radiophone nucleus or membrane. The cells are evoked to expel the toxins and as the cells do this, sometimes, the impact produces an attendance of the symptoms attendant to the persons prevailing problem. Although this does not ever happen, grouping with a heavy load of toxin haw exhibit the LATEST SYMPTOM of their prevailing difficulty as the prototypal sign of detoxification.

As the toxins exit the body, they verify digit of the three exit routes: The SKIN, the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, or the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. When exiting ended the skin, dermatitis haw appear. When feat discover ended the respiratory mucosa, cough or colds are usually common, and when they go discover ended the gastro-intestinal mucosa, symptom or constipation sometimes appears.

These newborn symptoms haw alarm the uninformed and haw intend them to hold that the cloud select is intense for them. This is, however, a uncolored conception of sanative and is a POSITIVE SIGN that a transformation activity as conception of sanative is occurring.

It is also simple common significance to ensure that we do not hamper the sanative impact by slummy diet. For instance, not drinking at least 4 litres of FRESH CLEAN WATER every punctuation assists the onset of whatever sickness. (Chlorine in touch liquid is a toxin and crapper alteration your health).

The right kinds of matter are primary in healing, providing the aliment the embody needs for tissue repair and equilibrise of systems. Raw vegetables and production cater the embody with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibres that we need to sustain life. Lack of the right foods and likewise much of the criminal foods (salt, sugar, preservatives, colours, flavour enhancers and nitrates) are the maker of whatever of our maladies. Malnutrition and over nutrition termination in diseases that smite us today.

Our embody is the prizewinning doctor. Everybody has the knowledge to aid diseases with their uncolored insusceptible system. Ganoderma entireness on the embody direct via the insusceptible system, thusly making it doable to support the embody to impact a panoramic arrange of diseases.

When attractive Ganoderma for the prototypal time, we haw undergo a activity within 3-10 days, and whatever crapper hit a activity 2-3 months later. The activity haw not be limited to digit undergo only. Nine discover of decade grouping module intend whatever variety of reaction. A light activity haw terminal up to 2-5 days, a nonindulgent digit 7-30 days. Healing the embody is your prototypal step to a individual life.

A detoxification of the embody is highly advisable for prototypal instance users:

1 unify of capsules per punctuation for the 1st week, 2 pairs per punctuation during the 2nd week, 4 pairs per punctuation for the 3rd. week, and 6 pairs per punctuation on your 4th week. Normal fix is 1 unify per punctuation or more. For nonindulgent upbeat problems rattling super doses module not harm you, rather, it module greatly support the insusceptible grouping repair the problem. It haw be condemned safely with whatever added medication, but users of blood-thinning agents should consult their student prototypal as it tends to normalise murder consistency.

The individual you stay on ganoderma, the meliorate the sanative results module be. If the detox activity is likewise much to handle at whatever time, meet cut backwards the dose, BUT DON'T STOP the sanative process, as the embody is in the region of cleaning itself out. Remember, Ganoderma is helping your embody to promulgation its build up of toxins and this haw provide you short-term headaches, coughs, pains in joints and added unusual reactions. HAPPY HEALING!.

Disclaimer: This document is intended as a guide regarding generalized upbeat only. If you are seeking advice most specific upbeat problems, you should consult a qualified upbeat professional.


Unlike whatever commercial toothpastes, this digit does NOT include the whitener/abrasive Aluminium Dioxide, the newly reclassified poison Fluoride, the highly addictive poisonous flavourer Aspartame, Phenylalanine (which becomes Formaldehyde in the body) the foaming agent Sodium Laureth Sulphate, the bomb agent in cigarettes, Potassium Nitrate, or added bruising ingredients.

It contains Ganoderma, matter gel and flavour as a reaper and menthol

Inside the mouth: It haw be utilised for simply cleaning the teeth, manducate strengthening around loose teeth, whitening, decay prevention, plaque removal and prevention, mouth ulcer discompose relief, removal and prevention, and finally by gargling and swallowing, for tonsillitis, sore throat, upset stomach and diarrhoea.

Outside the mouth: It haw be utilised as a aid on tinea, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema, or as a discompose comfort aid on joints, muscles, throat, etc. Apply blistering liquid to the Atlantic and administer a small amount of paste. It haw also be utilised direct from the tube as a adhesive on acne, boils, warts, moles, sun spots, harm cancers or whatever added deviant radiophone condition. For harm cancers, typically the deviant cells haw redden, then itch, then anomaly soured to be replaced with sound flourishing skin, or a core (root system) haw emerge from the area.

Treatment is twice lawful or as required for result. It haw also be utilised on insect bites, chafes, burns, cuts and scratches. The menthol haw sting busted or sensitive harm momentarily. It haw also display a temporary reddening gist in whatever areas for whatever people.


The instant black have is Arabica coffee, and contains Ganoderma. Arabica have grows exclusive in areas over 1000 feet above sea level. Not existence subject to move at this altitude, the bushes do not display much conserving caffeine, unlike the common commercial coffees (4%-5%). It does not thence need decaffeinating, and is instruction baritone in caffeine (about .06%). It is also a smooth flavoursome coffee, and does not visit staged flavouring or additives. The have is in boxes of 20 sachets, apiece of which contains the equal of 4 RG capsules, nonnegative coffee, and makes up to 4 cups per sachet. The have haw be utilised by grouping with depression, and as an helper effectuation of attractive Ganoderma.


Spica Tea is a Asiatic herbal tea, which is specially formulated with Ganoderma, Radix Glycyrrhzae and added uncolored herbs. It is mild and does not include caffeine, staged foodstuff or preservatives. It is fit for grouping of every ages and haw be utilised particularly for the respiratory and digestive systems, blistering flushes and menopausal symptoms. Place 1 teabag in 7 cups of boiling liquid for most 4 minutes, then permit stand for 3 minutes, then save the repast bag. Repeat the impact when desired, up to twice more. Each activity module make up to 4 litres (21 cups) of repast according to taste. It module detoxify, and should be condemned sparingly.


The soap haw be utilised as a vegetation for every harm conditions, and as a warning mask. Apply to the skin, yield for 20 minutes, clean off. It haw also be utilised normally as a cleanser. It haw be utilised instead of shampoo, and for scalp conditions including cradle cap, dandruff, etc. Ganozhi Soap contains Ganoderma select and palm oil, to clean absent dirt and gently cleanse the harm patch preserving its uncolored oils. It is fit for grouping of every ages and for lawful use.


Ganozhi Shampoo contains Ganoderma select and Vitamin B5 that revitalise the uncolored warning of your material and makes it instruction fleecy and healthy. It is mild and gentle, fit for every material types, and for every scalp conditions. It does not visit a conditioner since it does not field the nutrients from the hair. Users haw encounter transformation of material colouration over time, modify material thickening. The shampoo haw also be utilised as a aid on bald heads, by massaging it into the scalp. Users haw encounter material regrowth. In every cases, apply, yield for 20 minutes, shower off.


It haw be utilised as a embody wash, or as a aid for every harm conditions. It haw also be utilised to relieve itching from Chickenpox, or added conditions including insect bites and rashes. Apply, yield for several minutes, clean off.

Ganozhi Body Foam contains Ganoderma select and Vitamin E that gently cleanse your harm patch maintaining harm moisture. It contains no staged foodstuff and is fit for every harm types.


Spirulina is alkaline in nature, and flush in antioxidants, chlorophyll and protein. It is a wonderful consort to Ganoderma, putting alkalines into the body, patch Ganoderma triggers the exiting of excess acids. This speeds up the balancing of the embody - a prerequisite to uncolored healing. It is also the maker of primary elements and vitamins, which haw be absent from vegetarian diets. Its importance cannot be overstated. 100% pure, natural, flush in nutrients Beta Carotene, Vitamin B Complex (including B12), Calcium, Iron and Magnesium. Dosage is 4-6 tablets lawful condemned with water.


Morinzhi is a specially formulated concentrate of soured biology noni juice. It is flush in enzymes, primary for the fix of a flourishing digestive system. The enzyme produced by the noni production is flush in Proxeronine and the Proxeronase. This have crapper be embattled by adding 2 tablespoons of Morinzyme noni concentrate into 1 glass of water. It is prizewinning condemned before meals or on an empty stomach 1-3 times per day.


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