Monday, July 23, 2012

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend To Notice You - Simple Techniques

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend To Notice You  -  Simple Techniques

To get your ex boyfriend to notice you again you will need to do a few things first to lay the groundwork.

Allow Time For Healing

The period following a break up can be difficult and you may find that your emotions are all over the place. Allowing yourself time to grieve the relationship in your own way is an essential part of the healing process. Take the time you need to heal and then evaluate what you want to do next with your life. Are you content letting the relationship go, or do you desire to have him back again? If you decide you want him back, now you need to work on turning his head again.

Have yourself a pity party if it makes you feel better, you deserve a little time to feel badly about what has happened to you. However, don't make this a habit. A little self pity goes a long way and no one likes to be around someone who is a constant downer, not even your ex. So, after a few pints of Ben and Jerry's and a couple boxes of Kleenex, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get on with it. If you want to win your ex back, you need to find a way to make yourself irresistible to him, and being pitiful will not improve your chances. No woman wants a guy to come back to her strictly out of pity, and you deserve better than that anyway.

Now you need to focus on entering the strange land of the male psyche. Sure, they are confusing as can be, but in reality, they're pretty simple to figure out once you set your mind to it. Get inside his head so to speak, and figure out his line of thinking. Once you figure this out, you will be better able to figure out what makes him tick and even contemplate his next moves. This article will help you get him to fall under your spell once again. Learn how to jumpstart his interest in you again by reading on. Find out what does, and does not work.

Emotional Women Do Not Appeal To Men

If you allow your ex to see you when you are an emotional, blubbering mess, this is not helpful to you at all. If you're still at a point where seeing him evokes such strong emotions, perhaps it's best to hold off being around him until you've got a grip on your feelings. Don't punish yourself for having a crying spell in front of him, it happens, we've all been there.However, think of the power you're giving him, as well as a great boost to his male ego. If he thinks you're so devastated over him, he might feed off of that, and it won't make him come rushing back to you, but may drive him into the arms of some other woman. After all, he's feeling like Mister Heartbreaker now. See what I mean? You do not want to give him this advantage. Instead, try a different approach. Turn the tables on him and give him a little food for thought.

If your ex sees you acting calm, cool, and collected when he is around you, this only makes him wonder what's up. Suddenly, he's quite interested in you and wondering why you're not all broken up about him leaving you. Believe me, this will get his gears spinning. You will earn respect for him by not presenting yourself as an emotional basket case, and he is going to start to doubt himself a bit. Why aren't you crying over him? Why are you suddenly so darn sexy and appealing to him? Were you always this mysterious? Hmmm....see what I mean? During this time period, try to refrain from contacting him, as this will only impede your progress. Pretend you're just a little worm on the fish hook, a sexy, appealing worm at that, and let that little fishy come to you and take the bait. Have patience, and don't give in by contacting him.

This is not the easiest thing to do ,especially when you love someone and want them back. However, remember, playing a little hard to get is much better than making it too easy for him. He will learn to value you more by having to work a little. Men are genetically designed to chase after women, so don't defy nature, just roll with it. It's also fun to watch him chasing after you when in reality it's what you've wanted him to do all along. Just don't play it out too long or make it too hard, as that could backfire on you. This is also a great way to gain back some of that self confidence you may have had crushed as a result of the break up. After all, he now realizes the error of his ways and he is pursuing you.

Rediscover Yourself and Find The Old You

Bring the laughter back. Chances are, the lightheartedness and fun had probably been missing from your relationship near the end. Show your ex that you are still a fun person and laugh and be carefree when you're around him. Laughter is medically proven to make you feel better as it releases serotonin, the "feel good" brain chemical. Laughter also draws people to you, as people tend to hang around those who make them happy and feel good. Don't go out of your way to try to be the life of the party if this is not your usual behavior. Trying too hard to impress someone by over doing it is not only obvious, but can come off as looking rather pathetic. Just be yourself, your true self, and people will be drawn to you, including your ex boyfriend. If you remain depressed after the breakup and present this attitude to your ex, he is not going to want to stick around let alone give you another chance.

Just the fact that you have continued to read this article through to this point proves that you are a woman determined to win her man back. Now you need to think back to the what made your ex fall for you in the first place and focus on those positives. Obviously, you are still you , so you must still have what it takes to attract this man again. However, if he is one of these guys who no longer wants you because you gained a pound or two, if he's that superficial and shallow, you probably are better off without him! I'm referring to things such as your sexy smile, your sarcastic wit, your caring heart, things that matter and that are a part of who you really are. Realize what he loved about you and realize you are capable of winning him back again. Looking at these things will also reaffirm that you are a wonderful human being, why wouldn't he love you?

By using these tips as a guideline, you can begin the process of getting him back into your arms. Keep in mind, there is still a lot of work to be done here, but the longest trip starts with just one step, and you've just made it.

What Happens Next?

Make use of social media networks such as Facebook to work to your advantage. We will teach you some proven Facebook techniques that women are now using to rouse the attention of their ex boyfriend. You will learn how to comment and post things that will make him want you back and spark his interest in your life again.

Are you guilty of making any of these post break up mistakes? If you are then you will have to be honest with yourself and stop immediately. These things are not going to make him notice you for the right reasons, it will only push him farther away from you. Avoid these and you will make him notice you for all of the right reasons.


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