Countdown to ScienceOnline 2013 ? the 7th annual (and largest) gathering of STEM and Social Media Enthusiast will convene in the Research Triangle, North Carolina.? I love this conference. It has become my favorite professional gathering in the last few years. I?v met some amazing people ? intelligent, innovative, creative, communicative, honest, generous, caring, supportive and!
Wednesday, January 30 ? Saturday, February 2, 2013, it is going down. #SCIO13 Gangham Style I am sure.
I am co-moderating a session on Thursday, January 31, 2013 with Alberto Roca of ? Session 3: Broadening the Participation of Diverse Populations in Online Science
Online minority science writers, i.e. historically from African-, Hispanic-, and Native-American communities, are small in number reflecting their under-representation in the STEM pipeline. Broadening the participation of these groups involves mentoring and training activities which can make the STEM disciplines more welcoming to all. Diversity discussions today also recognize the needs of the disabled, LGBT, veteran, female, and other populations outnumbered in majority institutions. This session will bring together minorities, allies, and stakeholders who are interested in using online tools to diversify both the sciences and science communication.
Questions addressed:
- Can online activities encourage underrepresented minorities to consider science education & careers?
- Can diverse science bloggers serve as online role models for minority readers?
- In science diversity, do we pay enough attention to other groups beyond ethnicity such as the disabled, LGBT, & veteran communities?
- How are you using your online communications skills to engage wider audiences in STEM?
- How does the unusual digital divide affect your science communication or outreach? e.g mobile tech used more by minority groups
- How can non-minority allies encourage minority students in the sciences? Is credibility necessary for mentoring minorities in the sciences?
- What are the challenges for scientist-bloggers from underrepresented groups?
- Can minority science bloggers inform & educate the reporting by minority bloggers & news sources in health & tech areas?
- How can ally science bloggers connect with more diverse audiences and build live & online alliances?Action Items
- Share your resources/testimony of diversity and inclusion outreach in science. Drop links or offer comments.
- Submit to Diversity in Science Blog Carnivals to participate in the discussion for the #scio13 diversity session
Alberto and I really want to make sure we give voice and opportunities to members of other under-represented communities in [online] science by initiating some early conversations directed to members of the LGBT Community.? Will members/allies be present at Science Online?? If so, then please drop us a line.? Do you blog or tweet?
In the meantime, please check out this list of links about LGBT/Ally science blogs.
Minority Postdoc highlights STEM bloggers by/about the LGBT community (see rainbow flags):
Archive of Diversity in Science Blog Carnivals:
especially these editions for Pride Month:
#17 July 5, 2012: LGBT Pride Edition
#10 Jun 30, 2011: Diversity in Science Carnival: Pride Month 2011
Coming Out in the Sciences: Part II: Your stories, today
Online LGBT Pride: the Diversity in Science Blog Carnival
NOGLSTP ?Out To Innovate? STEM Career Summit:
LGBTQ Coalition Building in a Networked World
Also, please know that the conversations are not just for the conference. The conversation starts today, right now.? And the starter questions above are not exclusive by any means.? What are your concerns about diversity in the sciences ? online and in real life? You can share your comments and suggestions as comments to this post and/or visit the official ScienceOnline2013 Conference Wiki for this session (3B) and add your comments directly.
Science Online: Conversation, Community, & Connections at the Intersection of Science & the Web
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