Friday, February 1, 2013

The Super Bowl And Social Media History - Business Insider

Social Media Insights is a new daily newsletter from Business Insider that collects and delivers the top social media news first thing every morning. You can sign up to receive Social Media Insights here or at the bottom of this post.

The History Of Super Bowl Social Media Marketing (Sprout Social)
Every marketing professional knows that the Super Bowl is the time to play your trump card. And the way people watch television has changed markedly over the past five years. The growing popularity of YouTube marked a shift in how people began interacting with Super Bowl ads. Once using YouTube became more common, it would be a matter of hours after the final play before all of the most amusing ads made it onto the network. Around the same time, brands began to look at ways to incorporate social media into their Super Bowl plans. Doritos was one of the first to realize the potential for crowd-sourcing in getting fans involved ahead of game day. This year, the buzz started building well in advance of Sunday?s game. Brands have realized that to generate the excitement needed for long-term results on social networks, they need to rely on more than just tweets and status updates on the day itself. Read >>

Super Bowl XLVII: Follow the Social Media Game (Social Media Today)
Arguably the biggest event in American sports, the NFL?s championship game is watched by millions of eager viewers every year. In the interest of capturing the public sentiment about the big game, and perhaps even predicting its result, HootSuite has created the Super Bowl XLVII Command Center. Here's a comparison of Twitter mentions by team:

49ers sentiment:

Ravens sentiment:

Support your team (it can?t hurt) or simply follow along with the Super Bowl XLVII Command Center. Read >>

Small Businesses Say LinkedIn Is The Most Useful Social Network (WSJ via Marketing Pilgrim)
The Wall Street Journal asked small business owners which social media sites they used most often and which had the most potential to be useful in the future.


LinkedIn came out on top, not only as the most but also the one with most potential. LinkedIn beat every other side, even Facebook, with a big stick.? Read >>

How Can Vine Grow Your Business? (Business 2 Community)
If you?re not familiar with Vine (owned by Twitter), it is a social media network built around the creation and sharing of 6-second looping videos. So Vine basically levels the video creation playing field and is very accessible, but how can you use this platform and its 6-second videos to add value to your consumers? Here are some video ideas that can be executed in 6-seconds that businesses and brands can use to create value for their consumers:

  • How to
  • Event updates
  • Feature products or services
  • Promote sales / deals / specials
  • Entertain

While 6-seconds might initially sound limiting, one of the most exciting aspects of this restriction is that it forces content creators to get to the point and add value without unnecessary filler.

Dropbox Photo Upgrade Threatens Facebook?s Idea Of Social (MIT Technology Review)
Socializing doesn?t have to mean giving up control of your content by handing it over to a social network. Dropbox has said they are building the "file system for the Internet." But news from the company suggests they may actually be enabling something more ? decentralized social networking that doesn?t rely on everyone?s content being entrusted to one central store. New photo sharing features make it easy for people to use Dropbox to share their snaps with friends via a social networks or email without having to actually hand over their photos to Facebook or anyone else. Of course, many users of Facebook, Google+ and Dropbox are not all that concerned with online privacy or what Facebook or Google might do with their data. But Dropbox may still gain traction with that majority because it also makes managing photos much easier than Facebook and Google do. Read >>

The Ways Brands Overshare On Social Media (PR Daily)
In this modern age of social media, "too much information" (or TMI) is a valid concern. But posted activities make executives and their businesses appear accessible. So, how can a business executive gauge how much information is too much? Avoid these "fatal five" topics at all costs.

  1. Company earnings
  2. Business secrets
  3. Contentious opinions
  4. Jokes
  5. Intimate imagery

As intimate as social media can sometimes feel, and as beneficial as it can be to a business, there's a limit to how much you should include your followers in your world. It's all about boundaries: Establish them, and you'll never be at risk of sharing too much. Read >>

Can Social Media Personalities "Scale?" (Schaefer Marketing Solutions)
Social media can really benefit your personal brand. But how do you keep its most powerful value ? the "one-to-one-ness" of social connection ? intact when that reach explodes? The irony is, the more popular you become on the social web, the less effective you might be. Social media thrives on vibrant one-to-one connection. It can build communities among those with shared interests, and link the victims of disasters with those who can share their stories and get them aid. The dilemma: how do we balance personal connection with the very scalability that makes social media marketing so powerful? Through the personal connections we make across social platform, we understand that we are all in this together. And knowing the risks of increasing social scale, we can advise employers, clients, etc. in sensitively managing their companies? social streams. Read >>

Pinterest Needs To Hurry Up And Monetize (Business Insider)
At 28 million visitors a month, Pinterest's traffic is monumental, but it is taking its sweet time to explain how it plans to make money. Pinterest's upstart rivals are attacking Pinterest's weakness: It doesn't distinguish for users which items out of billions are available for purchase. The opportunity is sometimes called "discovery commerce": sites and apps that offer things you didn't realize you wanted to buy until you see them. We can respect that Pinterest wants to take its time coming up with plans to make money. An experiment with affiliate-marketing site Skimlinks went sour after users expressed their distaste for the arrangement. But what Pinterest hasn't done is recaptured the ineffable buzz it had last year. Read >>

How B2B Sales Managers Can Use Twitter (Inbound Marketing Agents, designed by NowSourcing)
Social media broke B2B sales as we know it. At last count, 61 percent of B2B companies are using social media, and most see a 100 percent increase in lead generation on average. The following examples are a basic overview of how B2B sales representatives can utilize Twitter in their daily workflow, from qualifying to prospecting:

  1. Personification - Who Do You Want to Sell To?
  2. Prospecting - Find Your Ideal Customers
  3. Qualifying
  4. Nurturing - Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Sales has always been an inherently social activity. Connections are made and appointments are set based on the size and strength of the representative?s network. Check out the infographic:


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