Sunday, March 31, 2013

To boost revenues, the taxman cometh ? in Afghanistan

Omar Sobhani / Reuters

Najib Ullah Latify, the owner of factory High Standard Pipe explains about their factory in Kabul March 17, 2013. High Standard Pipe employs 850 people and supplies pipes for projects providing clean water all over Afghanistan. Picture taken on March 17, 2013.

By Katharine Houreld, Reuters

KABUL ? One of Afghanistan's most surprising success stories lies tucked away on a potholed street notorious for suicide bombings and lined with rusting construction equipment.

The work of the country's top tax collector is more inspiring than the view from his office in Kabul. Taxes and customs raised $1.64 billion last financial year, a 14-fold increase on 10 years ago. That means, now, the government can pay just over half of its recurrent costs such as salaries.

Thanks to tougher enforcement procedures, Afghanistan's tax to GDP ratio today stands above 11 percent - ahead of neighboring Pakistan's dismal 9 percent.

Increasing revenues is vital as donors begin reducing aid ahead of the 2014 drawdown of NATO troops, who have provided the backbone for security since U.S. forces invaded after the September 11 attacks on the United States.

By the end of this year the United States alone will have spent $100 billion on Afghan reconstruction. But future pledges are a fraction of that.

"We are largely dependent on international aid. We would like to be independent," said Abdurrahman Mujahid, the new head of the revenue department. "I would like a sustainable Afghanistan for all the children."

Despite rising revenues, the government will rely heavily on donors for years to come. Taxes, customs and mining revenue will only meet $2.5 billion out of a $7 billion budget this year.

Most of the revenue comes from large corporate taxpayers, who complain their payments have not improved power cuts, potholed roads or security.

Corporations pay a flat tax of 20 percent - the same rate for an individual earning over $2,000 a month.

But unlike developed countries where personal income tax generates a sizeable chunk of revenue, most Afghans scoff at the idea of giving the government some of their meager earnings.

The average annual income, in a country ranked one of the world's poorest, is just $470, according to the World Bank. Those making less than $100 a month don't have to pay tax.

"It's not a good government," said moneychanger Abdurrahman Arif, 28, as he held a wad of soiled notes and scanned for customers. "I don't pay tax. The rich people don't and the government should go to them before they come to me."

Afghanistan has a similar problem to neighboring Pakistan - the very wealthy don't pay their share, and weak institutions often have little way of forcing them.

Authorities admit that taxing the rich isn't easy in a country where the powerful often command militias. But Mujahid promises tax evaders will "be introduced to the law enforcement agencies".


Much of Afghanistan's money is in an undocumented black economy. Corruption is endemic and the country produces 90 percent of the world's opium. Billions of dollars in cash leave the country every year in suitcases.

The security situation is discouraging. Taliban and other militias have made gains in many areas as foreign combat forces wind down their missions.

But some Afghans still manage to make money. Many businesses are fuelled by the aid dollars that have poured into the country over the last decade. Luxury supermarkets, travel agencies and stationery shops crowd the capital's streets.

A U.S. embassy official in Kabul commended Afghanistan's ability to raise tax revenues.

"It's a pretty substantial achievement," the official said, but noted the nation still faced a large funding gap, partly because of its huge security bill.

"It's going to continue being a problem until they can get revenues from the extractive industry, and that's going to take some time," the official said, referring to Afghanistan's rich but undeveloped mineral deposits.

Donors currently pay for just under half Afghanistan's operating costs - mostly government salaries - and more than three-quarters of all development projects like roads, dams and electricity equipment.

Rampant corruption means this money is often stolen, angering donors, fuelling anti-government rage and keeping aid from some of the world's neediest families.

Donors hope that if Afghans foot more of the bill for public services they may become less tolerant of graft from their leaders.


Mujahid, the new head of the revenue department, has large shoes to fill. His predecessor Ahmad Shah Zamanzai oversaw much of the department's growth and didn't shrink from confrontation.

When a vice-president refused to pay tax on income from renting out houses he owned, Zamanzai threatened to leak it to the press. Elections were approaching. The vice president paid up.

Under Zamanzai, the tax department jailed more than 20 tax evaders, froze bank accounts, slapped on travel bans and shuttered the premises of businesses that refused to pay.

In one showdown, he took on the glitzy wedding halls that have mushroomed up in the capital. When the 60 or so venues refused to pay their dues, he had police padlock a dozen of the biggest until the rest fell into line.

Zamanzai was appointed head of the state-run Pashtany Bank as part of a bureaucratic reshuffle this month. His first task, he said, would be to use skills honed in the tax department to extract overdue loan repayments from powerful Afghans.

But the tough tax enforcement has angered some businessmen.

Najib Ullah Latify's spotless factory, full of humming machinery and rows of workers in blue overalls and yellow hard hats, stands a few minutes drive from the tax office. High Standard Pipe employs 850 people and supplies pipes for projects providing clean water all over Afghanistan.

Latify said he'd expand but harassment from the tax man was hurting his business.

In recent years, he says, he's been repeatedly overcharged by the tax office and promised refunds have not been credited. Officials frequently offer to slash his tax bill in return for bribes, he added. When he refuses, he says, officials disrupt his imports and suspend his license.

"I don't know what to do, I have shouted everywhere that they are ruining my business," he said.

"I don't mind paying taxes. Even if 60 percent of it is spent on drinking and shopping and trips for (politicians') wives, maybe 40 percent will go to schools or hospitals. But they must tax me correctly."

The new tax chief, Mujahid, was not familiar with Vitaly's case, but promised to investigate. More than 10 tax collectors - whose basic salaries start at $180 a month - have been fired for corruption in the last two years.

"Corruption is a part of public life in Afghanistan," said Mujahid. "We have the aim to make this department corruption-free."

This year he's planning to finish computerizing tax records, usher through a law on Value Added Tax, and strengthen collection in the provinces - more than 90 percent of government taxes currently come from the capital.

"There's a lot of achievements, but for sure we have problems, and the biggest problem is corruption," he said.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

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How to Tone Your Butt Without Stepping Foot in a Gym - Body Health

H?w ?? ??? ??t th?t coveted tight bum ?n time t? sport ???r skinny jeans? Fitness expert David Kirsch shares h?? expertise ?n h?w t? tighten up ??r glutes without having a gym membership ?n? using ??tt?? equipment.
People wh? ?r? working t? tone up th??r butts need t? ??? ??tt?? t? n? weights, using th??r body weights ?? th? ?n?? resistance, ???? Kisrch. One ?f th? best pieces ?f equipment f?r a tight butt ?? a bosu ?r stability ball. If ??? want a toned, tight bottom, ??? ?h???? stick t? exercises ??k? plie squats, lunges, b?nt leg deadlifts, platypus walk ?n? sumo lunges. D? 15-25 reps ?f each ?f th? moves below ?n? ????ll b? turning heads ?n n? time!

Sumo Lunges

Stand w?th ???r legs shoulder length apart.
Lift ???r r??ht leg fr?m th? knee ?n? m??? ?t ?n a circular roundhouse.
Land out t? th? side, wider th?n ??? ?t?rt?? ?n? immediately squat down, channeling a real sumo wrestler.
A? ??? come out ?f th? squat, lift ???r r??ht leg ?n? kick out, leading w?th ???r heel.

(Each element ?h???? flow smoothly ?nt? th? next. Th?r? ?r? n? br??k? ?n a sumo lunge!)
Platypus Walk

St?rt ?n a plie squat position, w?th ???r hands behind ???r head ?n? ???r thighs parallel t? th? ground
Waddle forward! R??ht foot ?n front ?f ??? left, stay engaged ?n th?t plie squat. Now reverse?

(M?k? sure ???r knees stay out ?n? ???r weight stays back ?n ???r heels throughout th? movement)

B?nt Leg Deadlifts

Holding a body bar, dumbbells, medicine ball (a broomstick ?r a baby w??? ?? ?n a pinch!) stand ?n ???r ?t?rt position, w?th ???r legs shoulder width apart.
Hinge ?t th? waist. A? ??? bend forward, soften ???r knees ?n? stick ???r butt out.

(Modification: If ????re feeling shaky, hold th? back ?f a chair ?r th? edge ?f a table f?r balance.)
(Modification: If ????re feeling ?r??t, try lifting ???r alternate leg ?? ??? ?? down.)

Plie Squats

St?rt w?th ???r feet wider th?n shoulder-width distance ?n? turn ???r toes out. Weight ?? still ?n ???r heels.
Keeping ???r weight ?n ???r heels ?n? ???r knees turned out, squat down ?n? up.

**Tuck ???r pelvis ?n, ?n? stick ???r butt out. Th? more ??? engage, th? more ????ll shape th?t booty.
Advanced modification: Plie Toe Squats. Once ????ve mastered th? plie squat, turn ?t up lifting ???r heels up ?? ??? squat. Th?? puts greater emphasis ?n ???r inner thighs, butt ?n? core.

St?rt w?th heels under shoulders, chest-width apart.
Y??r front heel ?? th? anchor f?r a lunge. Bend ???r knee t? a perfect r??ht angle.

**Th? perfect lunge w??? give ??? two r??ht angles. D? n?t allow ???r knee t? pass ???r toes.

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New drug treats advanced breast cancer | The Augusta Chronicle

?I probably sit still longer here than I do the rest of the day,? she said jokingly as she waited for her chemotherapy to begin.

DeMore is battling a recent recurrence of her breast cancer with a new drug that is causing a buzz in breast cancer treatment circles. DeMore is the first at the practice to get Kadcyla, or ado-trastuzumab emtansine, which combines the antibody-targeted treatment Herceptin with an additional drug toxic to breast cancer cells.

?It is directed to the tumor site,? said Dr, Alice David, DeMore?s oncologist. ?It is able to shrink the tumor. It is able to slow the disease progression and prolong survival as well.?

Compared to the standard treatment for those, such as David, who are no longer helped by Herceptin, it increased progression-free survival by about three months and increased overall survival by about six months, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Pam Anderson, the program coordinator for cancer services at University Hospital, recently returned from a meeting of the National Consortium of Breast Centers.

?Every speaker mentioned this drug,? she said.

Kadcyla, which had been clinically tested under the name T-DM1, was approved by the FDA on Feb. 22, and DeMore started on it less than a week

Her cancer had already spread to her liver when she was diagnosed in 2004, but after the original treatment ?everything went away,? DeMore said. She stayed on Herceptin until the cancer came back a couple of months ago.

?We were waiting for the (drug) to be approved by the FDA,? DeMore said. ?Dr. David was really excited and hopeful that it would be approved soon.?

David said she hopes the targeted nature of the treatment means less damage to healthy tissue and thus fewer side effects than the previous treatments.

That?s important to a patient like DeMore, who has a very active lifestyle, David said.

Though the ?Herceptin did its job,? she thinks the cancer figured out a way around it and is thankful there is something new to combat it.

?It?s a good thing they keep working on it,? DeMore said.


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Brazilian doctor charged with 7 murders, may have killed 300, investigator says

By Anthony Boadle

BRASILIA (Reuters) - A Brazilian doctor who was charged with killing seven patients to free up beds at a hospital intensive care unit may have been responsible for as many as 300 deaths, according to a Health Ministry investigator.

Prosecutors said Dr. Virginia Soares de Souza and her medical team administered muscle relaxing drugs to patients, then reduced their oxygen supply, causing them to die of asphyxia at the Evangelical Hospital in the southern city of Curitiba.

De Souza, a 56-year-old widow, was arrested last month and charged with seven counts of aggravated first degree murder. Three other doctors, three nurses and a physiotherapist who worked under De Souza have also been charged with murder.

Prosecutors for the state of Parana said wiretaps of De Souza's phone conversations revealed that her motive was to free up hospital beds for other patients.

"I want to clear the intensive care unit. It's making me itch," she said in one recording released to Brazilian media. "Unfortunately, our mission is to be go-betweens on the springboard to the next life," she added in the same phone call.

De Souza's lawyer, Elias Mattar Assad, said investigators had misunderstood how an intensive care unit works and she would prove her innocence.

More cases are expected to emerge as investigators comb through 1,700 medical records of patients who died in the last seven years at the hospital, where De Souza headed the intensive care unit.

"We already have more than 20 cases established, and there are nearly 300 more that we are looking into," the chief investigator assigned by Brazil's Health Ministry, Dr. Mario Lobato, said on Globo TV's Fantastico program on Sunday.

If prosecutors prove that De Souza killed 300 patients, this could be one of the world's worst serial killings, rivaling the notorious case of Harold Shipman, the English doctor who was found to have killed at least 215 patients.

Lobato said the deaths he reviewed occurred under similar circumstances: a muscle relaxant such as Pancuronium (trademark Pavulon) was administered, increasing the patients' dependence on artificial respiration; then the oxygen supply was reduced, causing death by asphyxia.

Some of the patients were conscious moments before they died, he said.

Prosecutors said De Souza felt "all powerful" running the intensive care unit homicide, to the point where she "had the power to decree the moment when a victim would die."

In some cases, De Souza was absent from the hospital and gave instructions to end the life of a patient by telephone to members of her medical team, according to documents detailing the charges.

Last week, a Curitiba judge ordered the release of De Souza and her medical team. Prosecutors sought on Monday to have her returned to custody because she was the leader of the team and witnesses had reported being intimidated.

Parana state prosecutors asked police on Wednesday to investigate whether more hospital employees, including former managers, were involved in the case.

President Dilma Rousseff's government will announce steps on Thursday to reorganize the hospital, a spokesman for the Health Ministry said.

(Editing by Stacey Joyce)


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Man pleads not guilty to extorting A&M professor

HOUSTON (AP) ? James Arnt Aune was regarded as a fine scholar, mentor and friend by students and his fellow professors at Texas A&M University, where he headed the school's Department of Communication.

But Aune, who jumped to his death from the roof of a campus parking garage in January, battled depression in recent years. He struggled with the administrative duties of being a department head, and he was badly shaken by his 2007 battle with prostate cancer, which he survived but which forced him to face his own mortality, his widow said.

"He never really came all the way back," Miriam Aune said of his surviving cancer.

He began drinking heavily, and in December he started a sexually explicit online relationship with what he thought was an underage girl, according to prosecutors. He was soon contacted by a man purporting to be her outraged father, who threatened to expose Aune unless he paid him $5,000.

Aune paid the man $1,500, but he didn't know if he could come up with the rest, authorities say. He confessed to his wife, who pledged to stand by him, but about a week later, the 59-year-old Aune jumped to his death after sending a final text: "Killing myself now. And u will be prosecuted for black mail."

The man who got that text, according to prosecutors, pleaded not guilty Tuesday in a Houston federal courtroom to an extortion charge. The 37-year-old Metairie, La., resident was ordered to remain in jail without bail, and his trial is scheduled for May 28. If convicted, he faces up to two years in jail. His court-appointed attorney, Marjorie Meyers, declined to comment about the case.

Authorities allege that Aune was one of many victims of a scheme in which the man used his daughter to lure men into sexually explicit online relationships and later blackmailed them. The Associated Press isn't naming the man to protect the identity of his daughter.

In the criminal complaint, prosecutors contend that the man's daughter told authorities in Louisiana in 2011 that her father took naked photos and videos of her and used them "to scam men" through MocoSpace, a social networking website mainly for mobile devices.

On the site, "she would meet men, get their phone numbers and send them pictures and videos then (her father) would call them and say how she was his daughter and how she would need counseling and they had to pay for it."

At the time of that 2011 interview, her father was facing two counts of oral sexual battery and two counts of aggravated incest. The charges were dropped in February 2012 due to a lack of corroborating evidence, said Rachael Domiano, a spokeswoman for the 21st Judicial District Attorney's Office in Louisiana.

Federal prosecutors on Tuesday declined to comment about certain details of the alleged scheme, and it wasn't clear from the criminal complaint if prosecutors believe the defendant's daughter actually interacted with Aune, or if her image was used to allegedly dupe him.

Miriam Aune, 56, told The Associated Press that investigators told her that the defendant was the person who communicated with her husband and other men, pretending to be his daughter. She said her husband told her he began the online chats sometime in December and that by the third or fourth day after the chats began, the defendant reached out to him asking for money.

According to court records, undated texts show Aune scrambling to put money on prepaid credit cards for the defendant and asking for his forgiveness, saying "I am very sorry. It was a weak moment."

A week before his suicide, James Aune confessed to his wife. Miriam Aune said her husband never told her why he did it.

She pledged her support for him, but said he became despondent after his confession.

"I was just telling him there was nothing that we couldn't get through. We have two autistic children we have raised to adulthood. We've been through rough stuff. I thought we could get through this," Miriam Aune said.

According to a criminal complaint, the defendant continued bombarding Aune with profanity laced emails, texts and voicemails, including a Jan. 7 email in which he warned Aune that he had until noon the next day to pay or else "the police, your place of employment, students, ALL OVER THE INTERNET ...ALL OF THEM will be able to see your conversations, texts, pictures you sent ...."

On Jan. 8 at 9:21 a.m., the defendant texted, "3 more hours. If i don't hear from you the calls start," according the criminal complaint by FBI agent Nikki Allen.

At 10:29 a.m., Aune replied, "Killing myself now And u will be prosecuted for black mail."

He jumped from the parking garage roof about a minute later, shocking the A&M campus, which is about 100 miles northwest of Houston.

Miriam Aune doesn't excuse her husband's actions. She said it was his decision to go online and begin the conversations.

"It just shows you anybody can slip off the path. I know a lot of people are very surprised by this. He was very human with flaws, just like all of us," she said.

But she said it saddens her to know that some people will only remember her husband for what happened at the end of his life.

"To him, being a professor, it was a sacred duty to him. And he cared so much about his students," she said as she cried. "The people who know him, who loved him, they are not going to feel any differently about him."


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Newtown rampage took just 5-minutes

Police tape seen outside the Lanza home in Newtown, Conn. (Getty Images)

[Updated at 12:30 p.m. ET]

NEWTOWN, Conn.?Police investigating the school massacre here seized a small arsenal of firearms, knives and swords along with medical records and computer equipment from the 20-year-old gunman's home in the days after the shootings, court documents released on Thursday reveal.

Also on Thursday, Connecticut State Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III, who's overseeing the case, said Adam Lanza killed 26 people within five minutes of storming into Sandy Hook Elementary School before turning a gun on himself.

The documents?50 pages of affidavits and evidence logs that include a list of items seized from the car and Newtown home Lanza shared with his mother, Nancy?paint a chilling picture of a killer who had been stockpiling weapons in the weeks and months leading up to the Dec. 14 massacre.

[Related: Newtown families appear in Bloomberg anti-gun ads]

Lanza shot and killed his mother at their home before driving to the school, where he forced his way in and opened fire.

Sedensky said in a statement that Lanza killed all 26 school victims with a Bushmaster .223-caliber model XM15 rifle before taking his own life with a Glock 10 mm handgun. Lanza also had a loaded 9 mm Sig Sauer P226 handgun with him inside the school, Sedensky said, as well as ten 30-round magazines for the Bushmaster. Recovered at the scene were 154 spent bullet casings.

According to the unsealed documents, investigators found an empty box for "Battle Tested" vest accessories and hundreds of rounds of various gun ammunition inside the two-story Lanza home.

Among the other items seized (as detailed by police):

Item #71 - Receipts and emails documenting firearm/ammunition and shooting supplies.
Item #77 - Blue folder labeled "Guns" containing receipts, paperwork, and other firearm-related paperwork.
Item #81 - Paperwork titled, "Conncticut Gun Exchange, Glock 20SF 10mm FS 15 round FC," dated 12/21/11.
Item #83 - Email re: dated 10-12-11.
Item #85 - Printed photographs, miscellaneous handwritten papers, and Sandy Hook report card for Adam Lanza.
Item #86 - "Look Me in the Eye?My life with Asbergers" book, "Born on a Blue day?Inside the Mind of an Autistic Savant" book, "NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting" book.

Exhibit # 605 - One (1) receipt for Timstar Shooting Range located in Weatherford, Ok and one (1) NRA certificate for Nancy Lanza.

Exhibit #606 - One (1) Paperback book titled "Train Your Brain To Get Happy," with pages tabbed off.

Exhibit #608 - Three (3) photographs with images of what appears to be a deceased human covered in plastic and what appears to be blood.

Exhibit #609 - Seven (7) journals and miscellaneous drawings authored by Adam Lanza.

Exhibit #612 - One (1) holiday card containing a Bank of America check #462 made out to Adam Lanza for the purchase of a C183 (Firearm), authored by Nancy Lanza.

Exhibit #630 - One (1) New York Times article on 02/18/08 of a school shooting at Northern Illinois University.

In addition to several guns inside the home, police also recovered three samurai swords and a long pole with a blade on one side and a spear on the other. Inside the car Lanza drove to the school, police recovered a 12-gauge shotgun and two magazines containing 70 rounds of ammunition, the documents show.

Adam Lanza in an undated photo (AP/File)

The NRA on Thursday denied any association with the Lanza family.

"There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association," spokesman Andrew Arulanandam wrote in a statement. "Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory."

According to the search warrant, when officers arrived at the school, they discovered Lanza "dressed in military style clothing, wearing a bullet proof vest lying deceased on the floor in the middle classroom." He "was in possession of several handguns as well as a military style assault weapon."

When police arrived at the Lanza home, they found Nancy Lanza "lying in supine position on a bed in the 2nd floor master bedroom" with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. Investigators located a rifle "on the floor near the bed."

On Dec. 14, according to a warrant released on Thursay, FBI agents interviewed an unidentified resident who described Lanza as a "shut in" and "avid gamer who plays Call of Duty" and rarely leaves the house. The witness said Lanza had a "gun safe containing at least four guns." Lanza had attended Sandy Hook Elementary School, the person told the FBI, and "that the school was Adam Lanza's 'life.'"

Superior Court Judge John Blawie ordered parts of the documents redacted after state prosecutors requested that the identity of a key witness not be revealed for another 90 days. The judge also approved blacking out some phone, credit card and serial numbers of some of the property confiscated from the Lanza home.

Connecticut State Police briefed family members of the Newtown shooting victims on Wednesday on what was recovered inside the Lanza home and car. About 50 family members attended the briefing, according to the Connecticut Post.

Thursday's release came after state lawmakers, media and Newtown residents criticized police officials for leaking details of their investigation at a convention of police chiefs in New Orleans in March, which were then published by the New York Daily News.

[Related: Images from Newtown, Dec. 14-21, 2012]

"If state police officers can leak details of the Newtown investigation at conventions, surely that information can be shared with the Connecticut public," the Hartford Courant wrote in an editorial. "It has more of a right to know than out-of-state police chiefs do. ... This isn't information to be hoarded and shared only at the state police water cooler. The longer information is kept under wraps, the more questions there will be about why. Most important, the details will inform the debate about gun control, mental health and violence in society. There's no reason to fear an informed public."

Connecticut's General Assembly has been considering gun-control legislation in the wake of the Newtown shootings, including a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. State lawmakers said on Monday they would delay a vote on gun control until after search warrants related to the school shootings were unsealed.

The final police report on the massacre is not expected to be released until June.

Sickles reported from Dallas.


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Amanda Knox retrial: a tale of two countries' legal systems

Amanda Knox likely will not return to Italy for the murder retrial, and a new verdict is probably years away. In that time, much will be learned about the interaction of two 'very different legal systems.'

By Daniel B. Wood,?Staff writer / March 27, 2013

In this Oct. 3, 2011 file photo Amanda Knox cries after hearing the verdict that overturned her conviction and acquitted her of murdering her British roommate Meredith Kercher, at the Perugia court, central Italy, in 2011.

Pier Paolo Cito/AP/File


The decision by the Italian Supreme Court to retry American Amanda Knox for murder will highlight the differences between the two country?s legal systems and test how extradition treaties operate when citizens are convicted of crimes in a foreign country.

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The 25-year-old former exchange student in Perugia, Italy, was convicted in 2009 of murdering her British roommate, Meredith Kercher, and sentenced to 26 years in prison. She served almost four years before the verdict was overturned in 2011.

?This case will be very valuable for the spotlight it shines on how two countries with very different legal systems will behave in a high-profile case,? says Robert Pugsley, a professor at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles.

He and others say it is unlikely that Ms. Knox will go to Italy for the trial, but she could be tried ?in absentia? (without her presence), and the verdict is likely still years away. Most analysts also agree that the US likely would not extradite Knox if the Italian court sentences her to more time.

General rules about extradition among Westernized countries hinge on the rights of the accused or convicted person in the country where they are located. So, for example, the US would not extradite Knox if it felt the Italian trial would expose her to "double jeopardy" ? a concept that violates the US Constitution.

?The Fifth Amendment includes a double jeopardy clause ? stating that ?[no] person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb,? ? says Ian Wallach, a criminal attorney in Los Angeles, who clerked at the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague. ?Having Ms. Knox tried again would violate the USA?s public policy against double jeopardy.?

The reverse can also be true. Some countries refuse to extradite murder suspects to the US unless there is an agreement between the two countries that the death penalty won?t be sought, because the death penalty violates that country's public policy.

A key issue in the Knox case could be how the US State Department perceives the new development: Is it a new trial or the continuation of the one already completed? ?This is a very fascinating case and will shed lots of light on this,? says Luz Nagle, a professor at Stetson College of Law in Tampa, Fla..

The case is opening a window on how foreign courts operate, and how that affects Americans caught in them.

For its part, Italy guarantees defendants three levels of trial before a conviction is considered definitive, and both sides are granted the right to appeal ? a system that developed after World War II to prevent some of the abuses of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. The flip side is that some high-profile officials have eluded prosecution for years, notably former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who moved from trial to trial for 20 years.

?Americans are getting a good, long look at how careful the Italian system has become, but also how incredibly long it takes,? says Professor Nagle.

Other analysts caution against jumping to any conclusions before a written opinion is issued by Italy?s highest court, known as Cassation.

?We need to wait to read that opinion before we try to understand it,? says Mr. Wallach. ?First, we would be offended if anyone accused our judges of acting with improper motives. Second, we will know what the reasoning was once that decision is made public.?

In the meantime, Americans should relax, he says. ?We should do our best to respect the legal processes of other countries, and know that we have means to protect our own citizens from being subjected to outcomes of policies that are different from ours.?


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Samsung Galaxy S4 Pre-Sales Start At AT&T On April 16, Priced At $249.99 On 2-Year Agreement

gs4AT&T has just posted an update to its Consumer Blog revealing pre-order details of the Samsung Galaxy S4. The phone will be available for order beginning April 16, for $249.99 with a two-year commitment. Samsung had previously announced that the Galaxy S4 would be coming to the U.S. sometime in Q2 2013, and didn't reveal launch pricing at its event earlier in March.


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UK 'to compete' in nuclear market

The government has promised to help UK businesses "compete" more effectively in the global nuclear energy market.

Ministers have promised ?18m to 35 research projects and ?15m for a "world-class" central resource for firms developing technology.

It is estimated the UK's nuclear build programme could create 30,000 jobs.

All but one of the country's 16 reactors - supplying almost a fifth of the UK's power - are set to close by 2023, with replacements planned.

Business Secretary Vince Cable and Energy Secretary Ed Davey jointly launched the Nuclear Industrial Strategy, promising to help "UK compete in the ?1 trillion global nuclear industry" by tackling skills shortages.

It covers building, waste management, decommissioning, operations and maintenance.


Mr Cable said: "Nuclear power has the potential to play an increasing role in meeting the UK's future energy needs. It is a source of low-carbon energy and can contribute to the UK's energy mix and security of supply longer-term.

"This strategy - like those for offshore wind and oil and gas - will achieve a more effective alignment and integration of energy and industrial policy to enable the UK to deliver competitive energy technologies in future, with significant input from UK-based industry."

He also said: "Part of industrial strategy is about supporting successful sectors. Today's nuclear strategy is one of several sector strategies we will be developing between now and the summer in partnership with industry.

"And this is one of three that focuses on energy industries: the others being offshore wind and oil and gas."

Ministers say ?930bn will be invested globally in building reactors over the next 20 years, with ?250bn being spent on decommissioning disused stations.

The strategy will be overseen by a Nuclear Industry Council, co-chaired by ministers and industry.

In 2011 the government announced that new reactors could be built on land adjacent to old sites at Bradwell, Essex; Hartlepool; Heysham, Lancashire; Hinkley Point, Somerset; Oldbury, Gloucestershire; Sellafield, Cumbria; Sizewell, Suffolk; and Wylfa, Anglesey.

Planning permission was granted last week for the Hinkley Point station, the first such facility to be built in the UK since 1995.

But in February, Centrica, which owns British Gas, withdrew from the UK's nuclear re-building programme because of increasing costs and delays.

There have been questions about the financial viability of new nuclear power plants as a result of the coalition agreement pledge to only allow them "provided they receive no public subsidy".

Instead the government is set to fix the future price of new nuclear electricity, to give investors the certainty of a future income stream.

The global future of nuclear as a power source was also called into question after the disaster which occurred in March 2011 when a Japanese earthquake and tsunami rocked the reactors at Fukushima, leaving radioactivity leaking from the plant.


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ogio's 13" Covert Shoulder Bag

If you're in the market for an inexpensive, lightweight, casual bag to carry your small laptop or tablet, and maybe a handful more than that, Ogio's 13" Covert Shoulder Bag ($69.99, direct) will get the job done. The? handles on top let you carry it like a briefcase, although the vertical design helps the bag maintain its somewhat grungy look.

Available in all black or heather gray with black accents (shown), this vertically designed bag holds a laptop up to 13 inches. The laptop section has adequate padding, quilted synthetic fabric, and a single zipper closure, but no security flap to hold your machine snug. In front of that section is another central area, which has a wide hinging mouth due to a long zipper that wraps around on three sides of the bag. Pull down the front, and you can easily see the bottom of the bag. Two mesh pouches, three pen slots, and two tiny square sleeves sewn into the right side round out this area.

At 14 by 9.5 by 2.5 inches (HWD), this bag hovers between being a small and medium size. It weighs a scant 1.4 pounds. The maximum volume, however, is only 550 cubic inches?in other words, it doesn't expand much, something I've seen in other slimline bags, such as the CODi UltraLite Laptop Backpack ($79.99, 3 stars). You can fit a tablet or small notebook, small miscellaneous items like a phone and some charging cords, maybe a book, but not much else. The bag works just fine when you know your load, but isn't well suited for someone routinely stuffing her bag with gym shoes, a packed lunch, or a water bottle. The back of the bag contains a quick access area (with no closure) where you can tuck away slightly bulky items in a pinch.

Something about the look of this bag screams 1980s or 90s street-wear, especially the heather gray model that has an almost denim-like texture. Were you to have slapped it over your shoulder and rocked on into The Palladium in its heyday, no one would have batted an eye. In any event, it's decidedly not a business bag.

A comparably sized bag that I personally love with more updated style sense is Crumpler's Arnold Heist Tablet Bag ($105, 4.5 stars), although it costs a $35 more.

Given the Covert is a vertical bag, two top handles let you carry it by hand when you need to take it off your shoulder, a nice touch. The padded shoulder strap is quite comfortable, and the adjusters for the strap length are exceptionally smooth.

Another great detail that's easy to miss: The very front of the bag has one more zippered pouch with a hidden slot for threading your headphones. As someone who's rather fussy about bag organization, this feature really speaks to me.

You'll do well with Ogio's 13" Convert Shoulder Bag under the following conditions: 1) the amount of stuff you carry day to day doesn't change dramatically; 2) you're into the urban street look; and 3) price matters. You'll end up spending an extra $30 or $40 to upgrade to something significantly better, but a lot of price-sensitive folks want to keep their bag budget well below the hundred-dollar mark.

If you are willing to spend more, get the Arnold Heist Tablet Bag. If you need a bag that can handle a larger laptop (up to 15 inches), Crumpler's Vegetable from Inside the Mountain ($145, 4.5 stars) is another personal favorite. The hundred-dollar Booq Mamba Daypack (4.5 stars)?which has a very straightforward and unassuming look?gets the job done at a lower price. Finally, if you have a very large laptop and are willing to spend a bit more money, consider the edgy all-black Chrome Citadel Laptop Bag ($190, 4 stars).


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FIFA gets Costa Rica protest over WCup loss to US

United States defender Geoff Cameron (20) helps a grounds keeper shovel snow off the field during the second half of a World Cup qualifier soccer match against Costa Rica in Commerce City, Colo., Friday, March 22, 2013. The United States beat Costa Rica 1-0. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)

United States defender Geoff Cameron (20) helps a grounds keeper shovel snow off the field during the second half of a World Cup qualifier soccer match against Costa Rica in Commerce City, Colo., Friday, March 22, 2013. The United States beat Costa Rica 1-0. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)

(AP) ? FIFA is studying a protest from the Costa Rica soccer federation, which wants a World Cup qualifier against the United States replayed after losing 1-0 in a snowstorm.

"FIFA will now analyze the content of the letter and next steps will be determined in due course," the governing body said Monday in a statement.

The Costa Rican federation said Sunday that the "physical integrity" of players and officials was affected, "ball movement became impossible" and field markings were not visible in Friday's match played in Commerce City, Colo.

The federation also urged FIFA to punish match officials, including referee Joel Aguilar of El Salvador, for allowing the match to proceed.

For the protest to have a chance of succeeding, it must meet specific requirements stated in the 2014 World Cup Regulations.

One clause says that when a field becomes unplayable, the protesting team's captain "shall immediately lodge a protest with the referee in the presence of the captain of the opposing team."

Costa Rica also had to file written protests with the match coordinator within two hours of the final whistle, and to FIFA's administration by registered letter within 24 hours, "otherwise they shall be disregarded," the regulations state. FIFA had yet to determine whether Costa Rica had followed those procedures.

U.S. captain Clint Dempsey scored in the 16th minute to lift his team to second place in the six-team CONCACAF region qualifying group after two matches. Costa Rica is last.

The top three teams qualify directly for the tournament in Brazil, and the fourth-place team faces New Zealand in a playoff.

Associated Press


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Pills, Patches and Implants: The BHM Guide to Birth Control

BHM Guide to Birth ControlThe array of contraception options can be dizzying. When you?re deciding on a birth control method, experts suggest you keep these seven considerations in mind: lifestyle fit, convenience, effectiveness, safety, affordability, reversibility and protection against sexually transmitted infections. We?ll add an eighth: You may need to make this decision a few times throughout your childbearing years; no one method will suit you for your entire life.

So sit back and let us guide you through the choices.


Abstinence. The only form of birth control that is 100 percent effective: Abstinence (also known as not having sex). Pregnancies (per 100 women): 0.

Cervical Cap. Similar to a diaphragm, but smaller, a cervical cap slips into place over the cervix, blocking sperm?s entry into the uterus. It is used in conjunction with spermicide. Cervical caps can stay in place for 48 hours, giving them a thumb?s up on the spontaneity front. Cervical caps must be fitted by a physician, and they provide no STI protection. They also can?t be used during your period. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 11 to 16 (women who have never had children); 22 to 32 (women who have had children).

Condom (female). A thin rubber sheath with one closed end, the female condom was first introduced in 1994. Version two (quieter than the first version, which users complained squeaked) was released in 2009. In addition to being a contraceptive, the female condom also provides protection from sexually transmitted infections (STI). Like the male condom, the female condom is designed for one-time use. Unlike the male condom, an erect penis is not required to use the female condom. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 20.

Condom (male). Condoms, latex, lambskin or polyurethane shields, have been around for a least 400 years. To use one, roll it over an erect penis. Sounds simple, but a 2012 report from the Kinsey Institute found an unexpected number of adults use condoms incorrectly. Designed for one-time use, latex and polyurethane condoms also protect against STIs. Latex condoms are weakened by oil-based lubricants. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 11 to 16.

Diaphragm. A rubber dome that is placed over the cervix before sex, a diaphragm is used with a spermicide. A diaphragm is relatively inexpensive and lasts about two years. But it must be fitted by a doctor, doesn?t provide STI protection and can?t be used during your period due to a risk of toxic shock syndrome. If you gain significant weight during the two-year lifetime of your diaphragm, you may need to be refitted. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 11 to 17.

Emergency Contraception. Plan B, Plan B One-Step and Next Choice (a generic form of Plan B) is an option if you didn?t use birth control, your usual method failed or you were sexually assaulted. Also called the morning-after pill, all three options contain a high dose of a hormone found in many birth control pills and must be used within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. They are available to women 17 and older without a prescription. Ella, a non-hormonal emergency contraception drug, requires a doctor?s prescription regardless of a woman?s age and can be taken up to five days after sex. Emergency contraception doesn?t work if you are already pregnant; there is no evidence emergency contraception will harm a fetus if you are already pregnant. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 1.

Implanon. Introduced in 2006, Implanon is a matchstick-sized rod implanted? beneath the skin of a woman?s upper arm. Implanon lasts three years and can be used by breastfeeding women. It is expensive ($400 to $800 for exam, implant and insertion), and it is not as effective for overweight or obese women. It may cause irregular bleeding and heavier periods. There is no STI protection. Pregnancies (per 100 women): less than 1.

IUD. An intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped plastic device inserted into the uterus. Both types (ParaGard, a copper IUD, can last as long as 12 years; Mirena, a hormonal IUD, must be replaced after five years) make it difficult for sperm to fertilize an egg. Once an IUD is in place, you can ignore it. It may cause irregular or heavier periods. Pregnancies (per 100 women): less than 1 for both types.

NuvaRing. A flexible, plastic ring inserted into the vagina, NuvaRing releases low-dose progestin and estrogen over a three-week period. It is easy to insert and remove and has low estrogen-related side effects, such as nausea and breast tenderness. Breastfeeding women will have to use another form of birth control; NuvaRing can?t be used while breastfeeding. Pregnancies (per 100 women): less than 1.

The Patch. Introduced to the market in 2002, the patch is a small progestin-only square worn stuck to the body like a Band-Aid for three-week periods. It is convenient and easily reversible. Possible side effects include bleeding between periods, a risk of blood clots and changes in desire. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 5.

The Pill. The most common form of birth control pill uses a combination of estrogen and progestin taken for 21 days to prevent ovulation. The pill does more than prevent pregnancy; it also provides some protection against acne, and endometrial and ovarian cancers. Breastfeeding moms can take the progestin-only mini pill, but to be effective, the mini pill must be taken at the same time every day. The pill does not, however, prevent STIs, and it could increase your risk for spotting, breast tenderness, higher blood pressure and blood clots. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 5 to 8.

Rhythm Method. Also called fertility awareness and natural family planning, the rhythm method involves tracking body temperature and cervical mucus and avoiding sex when you are most fertile. It is non-hormonal and noninvasive, but relying on this method requires keeping close track of ?safe? days. The rhythm method may not work for women with irregular periods or women who are breastfeeding. Pregnancies (per 100 women): None if done correctly (but note that 25 percent of typical users get pregnant).

Shot. Depo Provera is a shot of the hormone progestin that prevents ovulation for three months. Though Depo also provides some protection against cancer in the lining of the uterus, long-term use has been linked to a loss of bone density. Requiring four injections each year, Depo can be pricey (about $240/year). It doesn?t protect against STIs, and some women report breakthrough bleeding, especially during the initial months of use. Pregnancies (per 100 women): less than 1.

Spermicide. A chemical that kills sperm, spermicide can be foam, jelly, cream or film that is placed inside the vagina before sex. Some types must be inserted 30 minutes before sex. Frequent use may cause irritation, increasing the risk of infections and STIs. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 30.

Sponge. Introduced in the early ?80s, the sponge is a soft, spermicide-covered polyurethane disc inserted into the vagina against the cervix up to 24 hours before intercourse. You don?t need a prescription for the sponge, which has been on and off the market because of company woes, not medical concerns. But it can be difficult to insert and remove. The sponge also doesn?t provide protection against STIs, and, like the diaphragm and cervical cap, it can?t be used during your period. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 11 to 16 (women who have never had children); 22 to 32 (women who have had children).

Tubal Ligation. If your baby-making days are over (or you know you don?t want to have children), you can have your tubes tied. This permanent form of birth control is a surgical procedure where a physician closes off the fallopian tubes. A newer procedure inserts silicone (Adiana) or metal (Essure) implants into the fallopian tubes non-surgically. Scar tissue grows around the implants, blocking the tubes, and it is effective in about three months. Neither form of tubal ligation provides protection against STIs, and young women may have difficulty convincing doctors to perform the procedure. Pregnancies (per 100 women): less than 1.

Vasectomy. At the moment, a vasectomy?surgically closing the vas deferens (the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles)?is the only form of birth control?available to men besides condoms. After the permanent procedure, which is cheaper than tubal ligation, sperm won?t be released, but a man will still ejaculate. There is no protection against STIs with a vasectomy. Pregnancies (per 100 women): less than 1.

Withdrawal. Surprisingly, about six in 10 women in this country say they use the withdrawal method (known as ?pulling out?), where a man removes his penis from a woman?s vagina before ejaculating. On the plus side: Withdrawal is free and hormone free. But to prevent pregnancy it must be done correctly every time, and there is no protection against STIs. Pregnancies (per 100 women): 4 when done correctly; typically 18.

Need help making a choice? Planned Parenthood and WebMD have online tools to help women sift through the options.


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

US Labor Department announces new online resources to help ...

WASHINGTON?- The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the launch of the Business Center, a suite of online resources for employers looking to recruit, train and retain a skilled work force through the department?s CareerOneStop Web site.


The site includes tips about how to recruit qualified candidates through local American Job Centers and provides employment projections. Additionally, the site offers access to local training and educational institutions, a catalog of occupational certifications and a tool to help employers translate the military training and skills of returning service members into specific civilian occupations. The CareerOneStop Business Center is available online at?


?These resources will help educate employers about our nation?s work force development system and put the resources they need to find and hire qualified workers right at their fingertips,? said Jane Oates, assistant secretary of labor for employment and training.


The new Business Center page builds on existing resources available through CareerOneStop, which also has information to help job seekers find education and training providers, conduct a job search and access local labor market information.


Employment and Training Administration staff will have a webinar on March 27 at 2 p.m. EDT to highlight the Business Center?s tools. A webinar is a seminar conducted over the Internet. For more information and to participate in the webinar, visit?


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Monday, March 25, 2013

Peggy Noonan: GOP Hasn't Grappled With Major Failures of the Bush Era

What's that they say about blind squirrels again? Here's Nooners, talking about what ails the GOP this morning on "This Week."

NOONAN: You know, I tend to think that the go GOP's central problems have to do with things we don't talk all that much about. One is what happened in 2008 and the continuing repercussions of the crash. The repercussions where the party stands, what its positions are on how to create growth, that is becoming in part within the party, a rising disagreement -- not disagreement, but a rising difference of emphasis between those who are saying the way we have to go is growth right now and those who are saying we've got to handle this debt and deficit thing. They're sort of different approaches.

Another is that I think the Republican Party has to make clear what its foreign policy is. It has had two wars for the past 12 years, people are still settling in and thinking -- I mean, the voters have said, we don't like that. We're not for that.
The Republican Party has to make clear what it stands for and it's going to have to have a little bit of debate to get there.

So I think those two big things, and the policies that spring from them, will make all of the difference and so will an eventual compelling presidential candidate, somebody who is involved right now is going to work his way through. At the end of the day, it is the candidates who resolve a lot of unresolved things by taking a stand and speaking for forcefully for it.

Exactly right.

"Those two big things" -- the Iraq War and the Great Recession are indeed the two major reasons the Democratic Party swept into power 2006 and 2008, and they both loomed large in 2012. The problem for Republicans is they seem to be in complete denial about this. They're still insisting George W. Bush was a great president, that we "won" in Iraq, and that Barney Frank and irresponsible minorities caused the crash.

Do you ever hear Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or Paul Ryan say the Iraq War or the radical financial deregulation of Wall Street were mistakes? No, you haven't. And as long as the official domestic policy of the Republican Party is tax cuts and deregulation and the party's official foreign policy is neoconservative, you won't.

Even if the Republicans decide to adopt less hateful policies towards immigration and gay marriage, they're still, at the end of the day, going to have to come to terms with the Bush administration. And that's something to date they've refused to do.

(h/t David of VideoCafe)


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Shinseki says VA on target for ending claims backlog

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Although the number of pending veterans' disability claims keep soaring, Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki on Sunday said he's committed to ending the backlog in 2015 by replacing paper with electronic records.

Veterans receive disability compensation for injuries or illness incurred during their active military service. About 600,000 claims, or 70 percent, are considered backlogged. The number of claims pending for more than 125 days has nearly quadrupled under Shinseki's watch.

Shinseki told CNN's "State of the Union" that a decade of war and efforts to make it easier for veterans to collect compensation for certain illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder have driven the backlog higher during his tenure. He said that doing away with paper records will be the key to a turnaround.

Shinseki said that the VA has puts its new computer system in place in 20 regional offices around the country and all regional offices will be on the system by the end of the year.

"This has been decades in the making, 10 years of war. We're in paper, we need to get out of paper," Shinseki said. The Defense Department and other agencies still file paper claims, he said, but "we have commitments that in 2014 we will be electronically processing our data and sharing it."

Congressional committees have held two hearings on the disability claims bottleneck in the past two weeks. Lawmakers voiced growing frustration with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

"There are many people, including myself, who are losing patience as we continue to hear the same excuses from VA about increased workload and increased complexity of claims," Florida's Rep. Jeff Miller, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, said during a hearing on Wednesday.

"No veteran should have to wait for claims. If there's anybody impatient here, I am that individual and we're pushing hard," said Shinseki, the former four-star Army general who became VA secretary when President Barack Obama came into office.

About 4.3 million veterans and survivors receive disability benefits. Most veterans whose claims are backlogged, about 60 percent, are getting some disability compensation already and have filed for additional benefits for other injuries or illnesses.

Tom Tarantino, chief policy officer of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said a presidential commission was needed to bring greater emphasis to solving the problem and to make sure all federal agencies were on the same page.

"We're tired of waiting for the VA to get their act together," Tarantino said.

Peter Gaytan, executive director of the American Legion, emphasized that resolving disability claims in a timely manner is an issue his organization has dealt with for decades.


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Sunday, March 24, 2013

T-Mobile's New LTE Network Spotted Being Tested In 8 Major U.S. Cities

carlyWhile T-Mobile is a bit late to the LTE game, the company confirmed on Monday that their new network would be launching by the end of the month. Where it would launch, however, was kept under wraps. That's the idea, at least. Thanks to some data mined out of a third-party network testing application, we've got a pretty good idea where T-Mobile is starting to fire things up.


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Analysis: J&J's answer to Botox may escalate war on wrinkles

By Ransdell Pierson

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Johnson & Johnson may soon cause frown lines at Allergan Inc, maker of Botox.

J&J expects to seek U.S. approval next year for an anti-wrinkle drug that could break Botox's near monopoly, an 85 percent market share. The J&J product could be available in the United States in 2015 and overseas a few years later, the company said.

Two smaller drugmakers with similar products haven't made substantial inroads into the almost $900 million a year market. But dermatologists and analysts say J&J could be a real threat to Botox, an iconic brand since it was introduced more than a decade ago. Allergan declined to comment on the potential rival.

"J&J is probably the only company that can go head to head directly with Allergan," said Morningstar analyst Michael Waterhouse. "They have a big marketing budget and sales force, and an attractive cosmetic portfolio" of other products to offer dermatologists.

Still, J&J's quest won't be easy. Analysts and dermatologists said its product likely would need to work faster, last longer or be significantly cheaper than Botox in order to wrest market share from the original injectable wrinkle fighter.

"J&J is a company I'd take seriously; they have great research and try to be industry leaders in every category," said Dr. Kenneth Beer, a dermatologist in West Palm Beach, Florida who has been a consultant for Allergan and J&J.

But he said patients aren't quick to switch from something with which they are familiar. "Allergan has built such a strong brand. People ask for Botox by name. This will be an uphill struggle" for Johnson & Johnson.

J&J has not yet unveiled the data from completed late-stage trials for the still unnamed drug. But David Wilson, president of J&J's Mentor division, told Reuters he was pleased with the results.

"What we hope to offer is a product of certainly comparable quality to basically be on par with them" in terms of effectiveness and safety, Wilson said.

"We've worked to make sure our data are exactly what the FDA is expecting to see," he added.

Morningstar's Waterhouse said the J&J product likely would generate annual sales of $500 million within five years as a cosmetic product. Sales could hit $1 billion within a decade if it also is tested and approved for medical conditions such as migraine headaches, he said.


Botox, approved in 2002 in the United States to temporarily smooth severe lines between the eyebrows, has become a $1.8 billion-a-year brand, used worldwide by celebrities, movie stars, the wealthy and increasingly, the middle class in both developed and emerging markets. Botox procedures in the United States can cost as much as $1,500 for full treatment on three areas of the face. The cosmetic treatment is not covered by health insurance.

The drug, a form of botulinum toxin that works by temporarily paralyzing muscles, has also been approved for lucrative medical uses such as preventing underarm sweating, migraine headaches and overactive bladder. But about $850 million, or 48 percent of Botox sales, comes from original cosmetic uses - the market J&J is going after, Wilson said.

Despite Botox's lock on the market, many patients are on the quest for a better Fountain of Youth and will give J&J's product a chance, said New York dermatologist Howard Sobel.

"Some people are going to want bigger and better even if it's not bigger and better," Sobel said. "These are the patients that tell me, 'Doctor, you used to make me look much better.' They don't realize 'used to' was 10 years ago and I can only bring them back to a certain point."

Other companies have tried and failed to knock Botox from its pedestal. Two similar anti-wrinkle fighters are approved in the United States: Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc's Dysport, and Xeomin from privately held Merz Pharma Group, which was launched in January after a prolonged U.S. court battle with Allergan. Together, they have a 15 percent share of the cosmetic toxin market.

Valeant and Merz did not comment on the potential J&J threat.

J&J, one of the world's biggest healthcare companies with annual sales of almost $70 billion, aims to leapfrog Dsyport and Xeomin and become a solid No. 2 in the market, Wilson said.

Now-completed trials of the product will be the basis of a marketing application in the first half of 2014 to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Wilson said.

"We'll make all the appropriate investments to support our program," he said. "Professional education and training will be a significant pillar of our success."

Wilson noted, however, that the J&J drug has not been tested head to head against Botox or other wrinkle fighters.


Wilson's unit, which J&J acquired through its purchase of Mentor Corp in 2009, is the world's top seller of breast implants and also markets dermal fillers and liposuction equipment.

The addition of a wrinkle treatment would give Mentor greater sway with dermatologists and plastic surgeons, Wilson said. "The more we can offer doctors, the better. Our customers are using a lot of toxin and it will strengthen our position to provide it to them."

In the long term, Jeff Jonas, a healthcare analyst for Gabelli & Co, said J&J can be expected to study and seek approvals of its product for the same lucrative medical uses as Botox.

"Given the size of J&J and their expertise in clinical trials, I think they'll want to go after the whole market, not just half of it," Jonas said.

Sobel, who has many Botox patients, said J&J's product would be a hit if it were able to last five or six months, rather than the three or four months typical of Botox, Dysport and Xeomin.

"That would be a breakthrough," the dermatologist said, and allow patients to make fewer doctor visits for re-injections of the drug.

"Or, if it's not truly different in its activity, they can distinguish it by making it cheaper," Sobel said, speculating it could capture 20 to 25 percent of the market within three years if the price is right.

The fiercest competition between the products will likely occur in emerging markets such as China and South America, where Botox is not firmly entrenched, Morningstar's Waterhouse said.

"There's a lot more opportunity for growth there because you can grow from new customers who want premium luxury-type products," he said. "Botox kind of aligns with luxury cars."

(Reporting by Ransdell Pierson; Editing by Jilian Mincer, Mary Milliken and Leslie Gevirtz)


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