Thursday, March 28, 2013

Newtown rampage took just 5-minutes

Police tape seen outside the Lanza home in Newtown, Conn. (Getty Images)

[Updated at 12:30 p.m. ET]

NEWTOWN, Conn.?Police investigating the school massacre here seized a small arsenal of firearms, knives and swords along with medical records and computer equipment from the 20-year-old gunman's home in the days after the shootings, court documents released on Thursday reveal.

Also on Thursday, Connecticut State Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III, who's overseeing the case, said Adam Lanza killed 26 people within five minutes of storming into Sandy Hook Elementary School before turning a gun on himself.

The documents?50 pages of affidavits and evidence logs that include a list of items seized from the car and Newtown home Lanza shared with his mother, Nancy?paint a chilling picture of a killer who had been stockpiling weapons in the weeks and months leading up to the Dec. 14 massacre.

[Related: Newtown families appear in Bloomberg anti-gun ads]

Lanza shot and killed his mother at their home before driving to the school, where he forced his way in and opened fire.

Sedensky said in a statement that Lanza killed all 26 school victims with a Bushmaster .223-caliber model XM15 rifle before taking his own life with a Glock 10 mm handgun. Lanza also had a loaded 9 mm Sig Sauer P226 handgun with him inside the school, Sedensky said, as well as ten 30-round magazines for the Bushmaster. Recovered at the scene were 154 spent bullet casings.

According to the unsealed documents, investigators found an empty box for "Battle Tested" vest accessories and hundreds of rounds of various gun ammunition inside the two-story Lanza home.

Among the other items seized (as detailed by police):

Item #71 - Receipts and emails documenting firearm/ammunition and shooting supplies.
Item #77 - Blue folder labeled "Guns" containing receipts, paperwork, and other firearm-related paperwork.
Item #81 - Paperwork titled, "Conncticut Gun Exchange, Glock 20SF 10mm FS 15 round FC," dated 12/21/11.
Item #83 - Email re: dated 10-12-11.
Item #85 - Printed photographs, miscellaneous handwritten papers, and Sandy Hook report card for Adam Lanza.
Item #86 - "Look Me in the Eye?My life with Asbergers" book, "Born on a Blue day?Inside the Mind of an Autistic Savant" book, "NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting" book.

Exhibit # 605 - One (1) receipt for Timstar Shooting Range located in Weatherford, Ok and one (1) NRA certificate for Nancy Lanza.

Exhibit #606 - One (1) Paperback book titled "Train Your Brain To Get Happy," with pages tabbed off.

Exhibit #608 - Three (3) photographs with images of what appears to be a deceased human covered in plastic and what appears to be blood.

Exhibit #609 - Seven (7) journals and miscellaneous drawings authored by Adam Lanza.

Exhibit #612 - One (1) holiday card containing a Bank of America check #462 made out to Adam Lanza for the purchase of a C183 (Firearm), authored by Nancy Lanza.

Exhibit #630 - One (1) New York Times article on 02/18/08 of a school shooting at Northern Illinois University.

In addition to several guns inside the home, police also recovered three samurai swords and a long pole with a blade on one side and a spear on the other. Inside the car Lanza drove to the school, police recovered a 12-gauge shotgun and two magazines containing 70 rounds of ammunition, the documents show.

Adam Lanza in an undated photo (AP/File)

The NRA on Thursday denied any association with the Lanza family.

"There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association," spokesman Andrew Arulanandam wrote in a statement. "Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory."

According to the search warrant, when officers arrived at the school, they discovered Lanza "dressed in military style clothing, wearing a bullet proof vest lying deceased on the floor in the middle classroom." He "was in possession of several handguns as well as a military style assault weapon."

When police arrived at the Lanza home, they found Nancy Lanza "lying in supine position on a bed in the 2nd floor master bedroom" with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. Investigators located a rifle "on the floor near the bed."

On Dec. 14, according to a warrant released on Thursay, FBI agents interviewed an unidentified resident who described Lanza as a "shut in" and "avid gamer who plays Call of Duty" and rarely leaves the house. The witness said Lanza had a "gun safe containing at least four guns." Lanza had attended Sandy Hook Elementary School, the person told the FBI, and "that the school was Adam Lanza's 'life.'"

Superior Court Judge John Blawie ordered parts of the documents redacted after state prosecutors requested that the identity of a key witness not be revealed for another 90 days. The judge also approved blacking out some phone, credit card and serial numbers of some of the property confiscated from the Lanza home.

Connecticut State Police briefed family members of the Newtown shooting victims on Wednesday on what was recovered inside the Lanza home and car. About 50 family members attended the briefing, according to the Connecticut Post.

Thursday's release came after state lawmakers, media and Newtown residents criticized police officials for leaking details of their investigation at a convention of police chiefs in New Orleans in March, which were then published by the New York Daily News.

[Related: Images from Newtown, Dec. 14-21, 2012]

"If state police officers can leak details of the Newtown investigation at conventions, surely that information can be shared with the Connecticut public," the Hartford Courant wrote in an editorial. "It has more of a right to know than out-of-state police chiefs do. ... This isn't information to be hoarded and shared only at the state police water cooler. The longer information is kept under wraps, the more questions there will be about why. Most important, the details will inform the debate about gun control, mental health and violence in society. There's no reason to fear an informed public."

Connecticut's General Assembly has been considering gun-control legislation in the wake of the Newtown shootings, including a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. State lawmakers said on Monday they would delay a vote on gun control until after search warrants related to the school shootings were unsealed.

The final police report on the massacre is not expected to be released until June.

Sickles reported from Dallas.


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