Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Points from Penny ? Celebrating Inspiration


Executive Tami North sent me an email last week that was very inspiring.? She has given me permission to share it with you. Tami?s husband, Gary, has ALS which is also known as Lou Gehrig?s disease.? Gary?s condition has worsened recently, and Tami is now serving as an?MD, RN, and?RT as a result of Gary?s tracheotomy following?a month?long hospitalization.?

From Tami:? God has blessed us time and time again, and Celebrating Home is a HUGE part of that blessing! Never could I work an 8 to 5 job, with the round the clock care that ALS (Lou Gehrig?s) requires.? NEVER could I make the money I do now.? And NEVER could I have dreamed that such fabulous fun would be part of the portion God has poured out to me as a wife, caregiver, mother and grandmother. Over 28 years, Gary and I have been ministers (bi-vocationally), and when Gary got sick I remember thinking, ?How will I continue to do what God has called me to?and yet still provide for our little family.?

The load of caring for Gary?and becoming provider, could have been so daunting?but with faith in God and the amazing opportunity of Celebrating Home, I don?t feel that load as one that is heavy at all! I feel BLESSED to be honoring God, my family, and blessing and serving others.? THIS IS MY MINISTRY?to families that need easier, more economical ways to get around the dinner table, and to women, who need this opportunity to bless their families!

When I could no longer leave Gary alone with our 12 year old, Nathan, I thought, ?no problem?.? God will make a way!? We are not eligible for any home health care.? My father-in-law, who lives in southeast Kansas (3 1/2 hours away) came up with a plan. Always encouraging me in my business, he said, ?Let?s line-up family to help so you can work!?? He and my mother-in-law alternate weekends (she lives 3 hours north of us) and stay with Gary and Nathan on Saturdays?now the only day I work outside the home.?

I started telling all of my chains of business ?that I am available Saturdays?for parties at 10, 1, 4, and 7. This began the first of January, after training both of Gary?s parents and one neighbor to do?Gary?s procedures. This past Saturday all 4 time slots were full?4 parties, 1 of which was a Grand Opening for a new designer.? Saturday?s business alone, was a $2,600 day in retail sales, and orders are still coming from those parties!? And I was not stressed with a load of care and concern for Gary?s care, for Nathan?s peace, nor was I any less than my best for a total of about 45 women I blessed and served that day! Everywhere I went, I did so with confidence of a beautiful product, and concept.? Every time I spoke, I did so with conviction and joy! And every person I met, had fun right along with me!

So?I just want to be a reminder to each of you today, that I am why this business works! That the North Family is interwoven into the tapestry of Celebrating Home?s business plan. And that Tami North, is one of many, many, women who is BLESSED because of what such an extraordinary company does for each designer, each party guest, each customer, and each hostess.

Thank you, Tami, for sharing your story.? When I read Tami?s story, I was so touched.? Tami, with help from a caring family, has scheduled her parties when she can work.? She has set her own hours and days and works all day on Saturday to provide for her family in a wonderful way.? I am so proud of Tami for not giving up, for serving the Lord and her customers with gladness and for facing obstacles with confidence and perseverance.

We all have the power and the ability to succeed.? We just have to set goals, make plans, have a great attitude and a heart filled with thanksgiving!



Penny Carlile

Author: Penny Carlile

President & Co-Founder, Celebrating Home Penny Carlile is known for her generous spirit, business savvy and distinctive sense of style. As President and Co-Founder of Celebrating Home, Penny inspires and nurtures 35,000-plus designers in the United States and Puerto Rico as they create and grow home-based businesses founded on faith and family. Through Penny?s stewardship, Celebrating Home has become a strong, supportive and empowering career opportunity for women today. Penny is very involved in charitable activities through Celebrating Home and in her community. She is the mother of two sons, Clay and Lance. Read Penny's articles

Penny Carlile has written 5 articles for our blog.

Source: http://celebratinginspiration.com/2013/03/04/points-from-penny-3/

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