Saturday, March 30, 2013

How to Tone Your Butt Without Stepping Foot in a Gym - Body Health

H?w ?? ??? ??t th?t coveted tight bum ?n time t? sport ???r skinny jeans? Fitness expert David Kirsch shares h?? expertise ?n h?w t? tighten up ??r glutes without having a gym membership ?n? using ??tt?? equipment.
People wh? ?r? working t? tone up th??r butts need t? ??? ??tt?? t? n? weights, using th??r body weights ?? th? ?n?? resistance, ???? Kisrch. One ?f th? best pieces ?f equipment f?r a tight butt ?? a bosu ?r stability ball. If ??? want a toned, tight bottom, ??? ?h???? stick t? exercises ??k? plie squats, lunges, b?nt leg deadlifts, platypus walk ?n? sumo lunges. D? 15-25 reps ?f each ?f th? moves below ?n? ????ll b? turning heads ?n n? time!

Sumo Lunges

Stand w?th ???r legs shoulder length apart.
Lift ???r r??ht leg fr?m th? knee ?n? m??? ?t ?n a circular roundhouse.
Land out t? th? side, wider th?n ??? ?t?rt?? ?n? immediately squat down, channeling a real sumo wrestler.
A? ??? come out ?f th? squat, lift ???r r??ht leg ?n? kick out, leading w?th ???r heel.

(Each element ?h???? flow smoothly ?nt? th? next. Th?r? ?r? n? br??k? ?n a sumo lunge!)
Platypus Walk

St?rt ?n a plie squat position, w?th ???r hands behind ???r head ?n? ???r thighs parallel t? th? ground
Waddle forward! R??ht foot ?n front ?f ??? left, stay engaged ?n th?t plie squat. Now reverse?

(M?k? sure ???r knees stay out ?n? ???r weight stays back ?n ???r heels throughout th? movement)

B?nt Leg Deadlifts

Holding a body bar, dumbbells, medicine ball (a broomstick ?r a baby w??? ?? ?n a pinch!) stand ?n ???r ?t?rt position, w?th ???r legs shoulder width apart.
Hinge ?t th? waist. A? ??? bend forward, soften ???r knees ?n? stick ???r butt out.

(Modification: If ????re feeling shaky, hold th? back ?f a chair ?r th? edge ?f a table f?r balance.)
(Modification: If ????re feeling ?r??t, try lifting ???r alternate leg ?? ??? ?? down.)

Plie Squats

St?rt w?th ???r feet wider th?n shoulder-width distance ?n? turn ???r toes out. Weight ?? still ?n ???r heels.
Keeping ???r weight ?n ???r heels ?n? ???r knees turned out, squat down ?n? up.

**Tuck ???r pelvis ?n, ?n? stick ???r butt out. Th? more ??? engage, th? more ????ll shape th?t booty.
Advanced modification: Plie Toe Squats. Once ????ve mastered th? plie squat, turn ?t up lifting ???r heels up ?? ??? squat. Th?? puts greater emphasis ?n ???r inner thighs, butt ?n? core.

St?rt w?th heels under shoulders, chest-width apart.
Y??r front heel ?? th? anchor f?r a lunge. Bend ???r knee t? a perfect r??ht angle.

**Th? perfect lunge w??? give ??? two r??ht angles. D? n?t allow ???r knee t? pass ???r toes.

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